
You nailed it. There’s no “heart” to any of the sequels.

Unmoved. While I love the first John Wick endlessly, each subsequent film has been a case of diminishing returns. Gender won’t change that. Case in point: in Parabellum when Halle Berry has her “money shot” where we get the one long shot of her mayhem (complete with dog attacks) it had so long become so routine I was

This conspiracy theory is absolutely my shit right now. Trump loves UK Sudafed based on evidence from the motherfucking taco salad photo. Love living in 2019

Sudafed is his drug of choice, allegedly.

Get ready for the goal posts to be moved from “it’s only hearsay” to “whatever other thing we think we can get away with”

And you know it’s bad when even WSJ is reporting that Trump’s admin got rid of the previous ambassador to Ukraine because she wasn’t too keen on the wholesale begging of crime-doing from foreign govts:

Fivethirtyeight.com has him at 41.2%, which is actually lower than his usual support level.

As much as some may hate me linking to 538, it isn’t.

So, no one’s gonna mention Humphrey’s dressed like it’s the 1970s?

Confused and angered by their departure from the natural order, Humphrey was determined to see the Browns choke.

Stephen Miller can burn in the rotting bowels of hell. And the lie in his last question: “Do we want to be governed by an unelected bureaucracy or by a democratically elected president?” is that the Electoral college is not a direct democratic election and the rules put in place make it very easy to manipulate

Douche bros gonna douche bro, but damn, when Fox News turns on you, you done fucked up big time.

Miller’s “Trump was elected by the American people to change the system!” Being met with Wallace pointing out that Americans elected a majority Dem House as a check on Trump was incredibly spicy for Fox standards.

“Paul is embarrassed about Trump and now he has the power to do something about it”

“We knew people had died there, but it was the ‘80s” is the best synopsis of that decade I can think of.

so this is what fish is up to these days, huh?

This was my initial response, since the 5 countries they’re suing are nowhere near as heavy polluters as the US and China. But apparently they’re aiming for countries that are able to be sued in this way because they signed off on some sort of agreement which....lawyer talk, lawyer talk, lawyer talk.

The 5 listed countries *might* listen.. China will just tell people to get fucked..

The reason they chose those 5 is because they agreed to allow themselves to be subject to hearing legal complaints made against them for not holding up their commitments. That’s why those kids chose to make the complaint. The major developed polluters (particularly the US and China), however, did not sign the

“World of Suck, you say? Guess I’m done visiting Orchids of Asia.”