
Just saw John Win 3 this weekend and had a similar reaction. The action is all there but without the heart of the first story I just don’t care as much. The first one is as perfect a revenge flick as you’ll find. The third one just felt like  assassins trading weird tokens interspersed with (very well done) action.

I’m sure they could structure a deal where Brown makes the a nominal amount for his WR work. And, in a completely unrelated occurrence, he also is paid millions to provide talks about the pros and cons of various football helmets at the TB12 Center.

All I could think about while reading this was Bushido Blade. I’ll have to give Samurai Shodown a go if it even captures some of that spirit. But damn, I really want a Bushido Blade 3.

I never thought the rabbit/raccoon joke was any good. It barely makes any sense for Thor to do it unless it’s deliberate which at least sort of works given they way he enjoys disrespecting the GotG. But for a random guard to make the same joke?

Some of those quotes make Curt Schilling seem downright reasonable and sane by comparison.

Hey!  Splinter News!  Anyway to tweak the algorithm so this laughable nonsense isn’t the top comment?

“In 2010, asked about the “freedom fries” incident, Jones said he ““[wished] it had never happened.”

LOL!  Trump: even terrible at being terrible.

This right here.  When I look at all the reasons I rightfully despise Trump, I have to laugh that “He forces me to defend Hitler’s work ethic” doesn’t even crack the top ten.

This cannot be stressed enough. It’s all so discouraging.

Still amazes me how he can turn what should be the most simple, perfunctory statement into a bizarre, semi-coherent ramble.  Shine on you crazy orange diamond.  And by “shine on” I mean “resign”.

And NBC’s sad “maybe we should pander to Trump supporters” experiment comes to a costly close.  Fuck Megan Kelly.  But fuck NBC too.

It’s sad and infuriating that the only way to even possibly reach this president is to take away his toys.

Assuming the Rock is telling the truth, what’s The Daily Star’s plan here?  Do they truly generate enough clicks and sell papers to offset getting sued by a wealthy celebrity?  I demand answers.

The NCAA is easily top three in organizations I hope get theirs in my lifetime.

from point A to point Fisting.

“Oh, now we’re running?!” -Marshawn Lynch

Get your piping hot bothsideisms here!

I think to a doughy, sixty-something country clubber it sounds tough.  But, like a great many things in his life outside of waste management, he didn’t really think it through.

After he said that I thought “Maybe this is a sketch?”