
Turns out doubling down on racism is a bad bet.

Definitely feels like “remove old racist prison tats cuz that’s not me anymore” is easily a top ten to-do item once you start rebuilding your life. Unless of course, that is still exactly who you are.

*NCAA leans in out of nowhere*

Saw that pic at the top and this was my initial response, too. I had to reread the headline as pure Snyder-hate immediately overrode it.

Not sure which is worse - scheming to bean this kid until she quits or the fact that they discussed it within earshot of other people like it was totally normal. (alright, the first part is worse)

“How many times do we have to say this? You don’t have to pay them anything! Just give them some vouchers for a few classes and it’s cool. Seriously.”

It’s always glorious when they try and then proceed to fix miserably (see Twitchy, and “The Half Hour Comedy Hour”)

We have extensive regulations on cars. The notion that people with guns are no more dangerous than people with any other item is disingenuous nonsense. But it looks like this recent attack is being as quickly forgotten as the previous ones, so there’s hope yet.

“Guns aren’t a threat”

The NRA and Fox Republicans aren’t trying very hard to fix this.

“An element of comedy and danger makes Bortles must see TV every Thursday after NCIS. Only on CBS!

These are all such lazy, shameless grabs that it almost makes them more endearing. Almost.

With apologies to the Simpson’s John Updike, dog is like “We talked about this backstage and I said ‘No’.”

Even those rare times when I sort of get what he’s going for, he just butchers simple lines so badly that I end up even angrier that he didn’t just take five minutes to practice what he was going to say.

Dude weirdly looks like a CGI character in this photo. ALL ABOARD THE UFC EXPRESS!!

Spicer seems like a million years ago.

Those codes are about heritage not hate!

The tragedy is that nothing written here should be considered a particularly hot take. Yet for at least 63 million Americans, this is a mind-blowing concept.

I love the image of a group of people huddled over a table in the office of Amazon’s Conservative Voice Silencing Task Force (ACVST) just cooking up needlessly convoluted plots to screw over conservatives.

In fairness, if you believe every other news outlet on the planet deliberately lies to make your ideas seem foolish, then it’s not a big stretch to think that Amazon might be in on the fix too.