
I want to high-five everyone whenever I read of voters telling some wealthy con men to piss off.

This turkey has read some Ethan Frome.

Always a damn shame when a comment clearly ignored the headline to go on some rant. Doubly so when it goes on to become the top comment.

Indeed. Rome acts like such a punk in that clip.

Jim Rome advises against that.

I’m a step ahead you, Ishi. Like many on this thread, I’ve already done it. We just don’t feel compelled to convince ourselves that those who haven’t accomplished as much are where they are because they’re “fat slobs”.

I knew we were approaching a fine Boot Strap speech. You did not disappoint.

Much respect to whoever maintains the page banner...

This was the first thing that came to mind! Glad to see it as the top comment.

Right?! This could all end tomorrow if she chooses. Instead, she’s adopting the classic double-down maneuver that never works out and always makes everything worse.

Wait, I thought we were supposed to be punching people who questioned the safety of Baylor? I hope these Rangers are prepared!

Its from the “Why won’t you tolerate my intolerance?” school of thought.

It’s a testament to the Trump administration that they’ve managed to make me view the Snyder/Skins clownish dysfunction as adorably quaint.

Yeah. While there is no denying their generosity, their note smacks of the ole right-wing “There’d be no racism (or misogyny) if only y’all would stop talking about it.”

Not sure which is worse, the hateful sentiments or just how tired and lazy most of their “jokes” are... (Spoiler: the hateful sentiments are worse)

Glad to see this as the top comment. Here’s related story how the writer of the radio Superman program helped de-fanged the KKK through mockery. And this was when lynching was part of the Klan’s playbook. This link is a bit long but you can also Google “Stetson Kennedy”.

We don’t think he’s a dumbass because he doesn’t agree with our views.

“Whoa! Whoa! Did anyone see where those eggs landed?” -Jim Tomsula

Just when I think I’ve truly seen the last Trump nickname that will make me laugh out loud you trot out “yam-hued piss goblin”. Nicely done.