
At least she’ll have plenty of company.

I always like when a cool & collected commenter shows up to talk crazed outrage down form the ledge. Nicely done.


As has been pointed out, you don’t apologize to Chad. He apologizes to you. For being named Chad.

Yeah, it’s tough to find any sort of middle ground with folks who refuse to accept easily provable facts. At this point I’m wondering if we’ll hear a “lock her up” chant at the inauguration.

I hope this comment rises to the top rather than the current “I’m just gonna watch the world burn” BS that is currently there. Fight on!

Pretty sure the RNC recently retconned WWI so Obama shot Archduke Ferdinand.

Truly. I’m starting to get the impression that these types of assholes see someone turn the other cheek and think “Great! I can slap ‘em again!”

“The Giants will almost certainly reach the postseason, probably this weekend (the list of things that would have to go wrong over the next two weeks is a long one)“

At this point, in my mind the Jamboroo’s Jim Tomsula has replaced Reality’s Jim Tomsula. Like, I might actually ask the guy for his cardboard soup recipe if I ever meet him and then genuinely wonder why he stormed off.

Just noticed you specified “anymore” in your response. Apparently I need reading glasses too in my advanced years!

Not anymore but there used to be spawning the “I’ll take XYZ for $500, Alex” proto-meme. Now if you excuse me, I’ll me over here aging poorly.

Now that’s the good stuff.

Ha! You’re just asking questions, that’s all.

Indeed! The calculations are iron-clad! (Ana Navarro was the other Daily Double should there be any remaining doubters and skeptics)

I could see that. Although when I read it, I took that as artistic license to make the joke a little funnier. But, point certainly taken.

Why it’s “Who is Trudeau?”, Alex. I’ll take “ Who’s That Kinja” for $500...

I just watched that episode then read your comment, and I demand to know what those are odds are.

This line:

It’s impressive that in what was an unexpectedly good election year for Republicans they can’t just let this one loss go.