
This. THIS. THISSSSSSSSSSS! Is journalism school even a thing anymore? I’m  not asking for Woodward & Bernstein here, just some basic fact-checking!

That slow motion video is amazing. From the moment he leaps to the ending where he cradles his leg as snow falls softly it is hypnotic.

Ugh. You might be right, which makes the whole situation even more depressing.

I hope this gets more stars. The fact that “mainstream media” clowns refuse to pushback on BS is a big part of how we got into this mess in the first place. Their gutlessness angers me almost as much as Fox News’ outright lies.

Then I am both very happy and crushingly sad.

“Panelist: On uh, you can find it—Google it. You can find it on Facebook.”

Quayle is a dope is the only thing I remember about the guy. I imagine Quayle is slightly bitter whenever he reads Trump’s tweets and thinks “And I was crucified for one spelling error.”

“Rouglas, Raggy?” -S. Doo

Thank you for saying this!

“only open because of their apprehensiveness stemming from the recent scrutiny it has come under for its handling of other domestic violence matters.”

That is awful. Sorry you had to deal with that crazy. And this:

Having still not finished Super Meat Boy (I’m on the second to last board) still fills me with sadness. I must resume the fight!

Amen. They always sound absurd when they trot this out.

Merciful Zeus! That’s awful!

Yikes! She really starts to get unhinged at the “When Bill Clinton was President...” part around 4:30.  

So much this. They are so into shouting insane hyperbole and conspiracy theories that they have no idea sane adults have long since tuned them out.

“If you are listening to my voice, then you already know you are one of the lucky ones...”

Mr. Markay, some DoE officials would like to have a word with you in the Upside-Down.

Ah, that’s the stuff.