
No, dammit, Adam Levine. Collecting Hawaiian Shirts is my thing, not yours, jerkass. DO YOU EVEN THRIFT TOWN, BRO?

This is going to make for one craptastically boring “found footage” movie in about three months. They’ll get to tout that it’s “Based on actual events!” Because this.

When I was a teen we were too disillusioned and jaded to mess around with any of this nonsense. We did it right, we sat around in the food court of the mall, smoked cigarettes, occasionally shoplifted CD’s, and gave nasty looks to all the “consumers” that dared to gaze in our direction.

Well, there’s no ambiguity in my feelings for a pontificating asshole who ranks the deliciousness of tempura vegetables and hasn’t had something as basic as tempura asparagus.

Your inexperience renders your list useless.

seemingly abandoned by her mother.

Shit. So basically it doesn’t matter that he signed a contract that said they both had to agree to either to bring them to term, keep them frozen or destroy them, and nobody could do whatever they wanted.

My first thought when I saw Stephen Tyler was ‘wow, Johnny Depp has lost a lot of weight.’

I’d take it further than simply cancelling the Duggar’s show and shutter TLC altogether.

It’s a really bad idea to have someone “nut on my chess.” Very difficult to checkmate when the queen keeps sticking to the board.

True, and yet frustration and anger have worked to change status quo. Damn it, I’d do it again. I’ll do it for you.

Pia Lindstrom ended up as the film critic for WNBC in New York (I think ... could have been the ABC affiliate). I remember watching her as a child and my mom explaining the whole scandal to me one afternoon as we were watching the news. I became endlessly fascinated with her after that. I went to school and told all

Seriously, good on him. Side note: the writer in that story pisses me off. Standing by and doing nothing while you watch people get bullied is really shitty. It isn’t that hard to stand up to someone who is being an asshole and it makes all the difference to person who is getting bullied. This guy had some power so he

I grew up on a buffalo ranch, so this cracked me up a little, in that it doesn’t matter if you move or hold still, they see you regardless. This ain’t no Jurassic Park.

I mean, I would want to clarify if I were her just so people didn’t get the wrong idea and laud me for my “bravery” in coming out, etc etc. Not out of shame.

I would too for the reason that I would not want someone else put words in my mouth I’ve never said..

While I agree with you, I can totally understand why someone would be reluctant to call themselves a feminist. The word has on the one hand been demonized by those who oppose feminism, and rendered almost meaningless to the many women who are largely ignored by white middle class feminism.

What label a person ascribes to themselves should be their own choice. That would be the feminist thinking. It’s not a fucking cult and they’re not the only ones saying they’re for equality.