I get that rapists are scum, but I don’t get that posing the question about irrational behavior is disgusting.
I get that rapists are scum, but I don’t get that posing the question about irrational behavior is disgusting.
The most brutal air-rending jeansripping chestsearing jet roar I’ve ever personally experienced was from airshow F-4 Phantoms. It has this weird textured character, like god’s own clarinet about to squeak on a low note.
Well shit, Kim Jong Il grew up in switzerland, what do you want. My point stands, they grew up in a culture that expects it of them. So, for the same undiminished reasons as above, school, to generationally change the culture.
Oh boy, my remark was levelled at a depressingly wide swathe of the whole world, not just ISIS. But even there, I bet you find men are less likely to sex-enslave women if they didn’t grow up thinking they were cattle/household appliances. The very first part of that is to show them women who are not. So, schools.
The means have to justfiy the ends. Further, it’s not enough to be morally right, because there’s no way to vet moral rightness and wrongness. If we kill because these are “bad guys” we can’t vet that, if we bring them to a political or religious (hah) or economic halt and start dragging people in front of war crimes…
Over in another corner of gawker I am often to be found insisting that we combat ISIS/ISIL with nationbuilding, using the old Cuban model of building schools and hospitals and power stations (served with a side of propaganda, natürlich). Putting boots on the ground, but the boots of engineers and economists, not…
There’s a funny thing that happens when women (or any historic underclass, really) are finally allowed to grasp the machinery of competence: they turn out to be competent. Then the rational part of society walking around with their head not up their ass notices these competent people being competent and stops…
I’ll bite, because I’m mixed as well. The negative take is that, if I’m going to play videogames and cuss for a living, it’s not unreasonable for me to have to wear a costume of some sort. Boobies aren’t the only way to get people’s attention, they’re just cheap and easy to operate.
Well, it’s more like, how much stealthy standoff overkill does it take to kill a guy in civvies with an assault rifle? That’s not the ridiculous part to me. The ridiculous part is that a OV-10 costs about 1/40th per hour to run as an F-15 does and yet the $20 million pilot program for 2 OV-10s was deemed too expensive…
Tyler, boo, Daily Beast did this story 3 days ago.
Uh oh, one of our ships subs has gone missing in the neutral zone DMZ. Shame on you, real life, for ripping off the plot of every 3rd Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.
Not sure, safest bet is whatever the Soviets were using in WWII degraded by 60 years of sitting in a closet.
Are you sure? Pretty sure the host nation would be willing to return the rustbucket and I don’t think DPRK are quite nuts enough to invade someone for refusal to extradite.
They were searching for their hand grenade
Here he’s speaking in the kinetic “haha he lost all his energy in that high-G turn” sense, not energy in the photoelectric cells sense. But good point about the high energy emitters, I would be surprised to find out you can run a superduper radar off of solar cells or wind turbines et al.
I think the (only) argument in favor of blimps is that they have insane on-station time compared to any other aircraft. Even a solar powered high endurance drone is going to have problems at night.
Hah. Funny you should mention it, I almost launched into a sidebar about how we do have action soaps, but ours are formatted more as weekly action flicks where the scriptwriting cupboard has gone bare and theirs (ok based on this show and Three Kingdoms) seems more like ok how can we turn this telenovella up to 11 by…
Have you seen the Chinese soap opera set on a DDG patrolling the Gulf of Aden? I haven’t come across a subtitled version of it yet, but what I saw of it was... interesting. We don’t really do “action soaps”, so I don’t know what to compare it to.
I love you, man