Oh man, I just knew your responses would be treasure, not leaving disappointed (no pun intended). This is like the gawker’s own Kobayashi Maru scenario, no matter how you slice it there’s no way to win.
Hey, can anybody tell me how to activate the new mutagen shit? Does it happen later in gameplay or what, cuz I still have the same boring 4 small/medium/large red/green/blue slots as ever.
Same as Hearts of Stone, you have the choice to accept the DLC-starter quest in an existing game or you can take a generic pre-leveled lvl34 to start a DLC-only game, or run new game/NG+.
And some nurses are taking your morphine and replacing it with whatever other drug they can swipe to fill the dispenser. Some Uber drivers are amateur mass gunmen. Some journalists, aren’t.
I guess I wonder why the school is in charge of investigating criminal acts? I must be naive, because it seems like the sort of thing you would call the cops about.
What are you talking about? This is easily the BEST VOICE ACTING IN ANY DEEP SILVER PRODUCT EVER, quitcher bitchin.
I had thought Bushido Blade 1 might make the list. I saw it for $100 at Pink Gorilla (retro gaming chain, check your local chinatown) 10 years ago, assumed it would have gone up.
If you’re going to necro a post from 2012 (btw gawker, overuse this mechanism at your peril) at least make sure the youtube embeds work on the 2016 version of the site.
*not sure if srs
Egads. SA is a name I haven’t heard for awhile. I used to get guro there, last century.
Dude, trim that list down and I might take it more seriously.
Yeah, it was back in the day when you didn’t leak your own sex tape. Those were more innocent times.
Ok, just since you’re non-IANAL, what is the correct term for an undocumented foreign national resident? Or did I just coin it for the duration of america here on gawker.
No, that is a title in search of a story
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in my day appearances in adult films went down on the cv as modeling. Has that changed?
Argo fuck yourself.
Ok, just because I haven’t seen ANYBODY explain this in any of the 3 recap articles I’ve read, here is what the Cost Sharing Reduction (the part that was ruled unconstitutional) is actually about.
Actually if you can show that the lowest cost plan available to you would run you more than 8% of your AGI then you get a waiver for the penalty.