the fine doesn’t kick in unless you’re uninsured for 3 or more months, you should be fine as long as you’re covered thru november.
the fine doesn’t kick in unless you’re uninsured for 3 or more months, you should be fine as long as you’re covered thru november.
I feel like that’s from an early racist bugs bunny episode or something, am i right?
Hardly. Nobody’s threatened by the abused girl in the corner. Give her a blog or an opinion about something, now THAT’s threatening (apparently).
I said it last thread, we should sell the A-10 fleet to the Phillipines. Here, take all our out-dated AAMs in inventory, enjoy your new air superiority fighter cum light bomber with legs to reach the Spratleys.
Hey I know, load them up with AIM-9Ms and sell them to the Phillipines as an air superiority fighter. Generational kick in the pants over the jet trainers they currently rock. They have the legs to make it out to the Spratleys, just sayin’. BRRRRRRRRRRRP what coast guard light cruiser?
To be fair, one involves pay, agents, wardrobe, makeup, and creative input (if you’re A-list enough, and she is).
One of my prized posessions is a selfie of me and my ex-gf and Felicia Day. I am totally accidentally standing on her foot in that picure. Today, I feel even douchier than usual about that.
Wow entirely ignoring the massive cross-cultural following of Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, and that Mexican guy with the sitcom. Fuck you.
I am 0:44 in to this routine and he is absolutely KILLING IT. Absolutely top shelf topical humor. I’m glad I wasn’t there, or I would have gotten thrown out for rolling in the aisles*
This is going to start happening more and more often, as tech matures to the point where bigger and faster isn’t going to get the job done any faster.
Jim Sterling is absolutely my favorite internet person, so glad he exists. Probably should never meet him in real life, though, definitely would get facepunchingly on my nerves real quick. Still my fave internet person though.
Schumer/Schumer in 2020.
What? You mean Manziel wasn’t the victim of institutional oppression?
I doubt “Taylor Swift” wrote this one. A lot of her NSYNCHier stuff is ghostwritten, obvs.
So good for the local economy tho, going into hock with the IMF is totally worth it. Plus there’s the prestige you get from exposing to the world what an incompetent corrupt shitshow you are, can’t put a price tag on that.
Came here to blah blah blah
Not enough to be a statistic
Agreed it is a paper tiger.
You’re talking about getting a press pass. I’m talking about being called in front of a panel of SPJ bigwigs and getting blackballed from the industry. That’s like saying it doesn’t matter if you get fired from the symphony for being a drunk because you can always be a street musician.
They don’t punch a hole thru the seal on your college degree, you dummy. When you lose your accreditation it makes it VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE, not actually physically impossible cuz they let you keep your hands too, to get hired in that field again PS you need to get hired again because your current employer just fired…