
By Xeroxing homework, smartypants.

That sucks. My grandma can give handjobs with either hand.

Part of the reason they’re doing it is because we control the only terrestrial sources of Helium-3 and we strategically do not sell to China, thank dog. You’ll notice it’s not the most reputable publication I cite, it’s a huge exaggeration to say the PRC is “doing” this. More apt to say China has ambitions.

So I jotted down the lisense plate, if that helps.

Maybe they’re not brilliant and tank, taking out tens of thousands of the highest paying jobs with them because without the teat they are unsustainable dinosaurs. I had this same argument in the food stamps thread the other day. Over there I was saying something to the effect that if we abolish food stamps, guess what

Ten thousand US citizens eh? So that gets us, what, 6 people who know what ISS is, 4 of whom thought you said ISIS.

Retooling isn’t impossible. Replacing a cost-plus multibillion dollar contract by taking a piece of Airbus’s pie is impossible.

I want to say that there is never a reason to use nukes, even prophylactically to prevent other nuclear strikes, let alone as “retaliation”, until literally every other avenue has been exhausted (and even then, my inner pacifist wonders if maybe it’s not better to die cuz I’m dead anyway and not kill off the other

Sweet. If they can return the favor this November, so much the better. I’m just hoping Trump doesn’t dare Kim to nuke Seattle on stage tonight, fuck the world for me not being a crazy person saying this.

I’m of the opposite opinion. NK is basically one big pillbox. I think they hold out to the last man, eating their shoeleather, that sort of thing. You know, communist paradise.

You mean back when they had PRC backing? So like sometime after Tuesday, then. “By now” indeed.

Specialedward, Popart Meme, taking off!

Because many public schools are supplied about as well as a backyard camping trip? There are teachers out there distributing homework on Facebook because they can’t xerox enough copies of class materials.

There’s other uses for helium-3, not the least of which is for use in research towards building an actual working fusion reactor.

You know, I came thiiiiiis close to appending “...... except for opportunity cost” to my last sentence.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I’m sorry, you’d prefer your congressman brought home different flavored pork? Pretty hollow example, since it only works because the F35 objectively sucks.

Can you believe they put Whitey on the moon?

I 100% reject ISS as a “boondoggle”. Not only has it flown for longer than all the other space stations combined, it is bigger than all the other space stations combined and has done more sciencey bits that all the other space stations combined.

Interesting, tell me again how closing down domestic heavy industry spurs growth, I must’ve missed it last time.