Ah yes. I run into this each morning as I go out to pray at the shrine my family has kept for generations to honor our distant relative, Dennis Rodman.
See that, Dear Leader? Nothing worth nuking here! Just some old airplanes and dudes walking around in Sonics jerseys. We love basketball in Seattle.
Hello! How is the rain? I was just remarking the other day how much more nukable PDX and Anchorage were, wouldn’t you agree? So much more internationally prestigious to nuke than Seattle.
Whoa whoa, don’t go around making spurious remarks about weapons systems capabilities in here. Trust me, I’ve learned the hard way. Next thing you know, the whole trebuchet community will be in here countertrolling your ass.
Yeah, i should be able to look out over the freeway and see the Lahar flows.
Sure, nobody wants to absorb an extra 3% of their population overnight, assuming every man woman and child in the PDRK runs north not south and none stay home.
And I, I am more worried about the hands down worst nuke situation on earth and GOAT Superfund cleanup site, Hanford.
Well, even assuming he’s a reformer, we wouldn’t see the effect trickle down to beat cops just yet. Obama’s from Chicago, just sayin’.
Right well observing the true status quo would be more like leaving the old guard in place, but I get what you’re saying.
It would pretty much wreck my day if NK decides to nuke Boeing Field, as I live downwind. Sure that’s on the extreme outskirts of possibility but it’s still more likely to get me personally killed than the other 2 examples.
There’s a new documentary film (2016) about Kim on Netflix. I came away thinking that he was a little bit of a reformer, but really the only tangible evidence of that is that he’s had the old guard sysystematically killed.
This video is basically how I drove my Supra everywhere I went.
Good thing there were two soldiers! That way, when the first runs out of german outdoor festival beer, the second can lean over and give his Palestine.
Yup. A lot of human history is explained by the fact that both the larger and smaller battalions claim god is on their side.
We’re not going in to defend Vietnamese fisheries or Filipino natural gas that no one’s found yet, more like.
Yeah if anybody is wondering what the 8 dashes in the graphic represent, China has a Monroe Doctrine thing they call the “9 Dashed Line”. It’s their legal fiction that these are bona fide PRC national waters, despite there being 7 other countries (8 if you count Laos, which is landlocked) with a better…
There is a program in my neck of the woods called GEMS, Girls Engaged in Math and Science. My daughter went, and did fairly well thank you very much.
They won’t do this. I agree it seems logical, but.
Fall behind whom, it should be asked. Russia’s electronics is usually deemed to be comparable to 80's-era NATO gear. China is just now taking baby steps away from working off Soviet-era templates and developing an indiginous aircraft industry, but even there what we’re seeing is espionaged-up knockoffs and not the…