
Right, I’m aware there’s no “border” to defend, it’s a giant swathe of wasteland, you need GPS and a map to even tell what country you’re in. I’m not military, but I’ve lived in the middle east. Unless you bump into an old bedouin wadi, there’s really nothing there to defend except GPS coordinates on a map.

Ah, the pee wee herman defense. What’s next, i know you are but what am i?

That’s not what “surfeit” means.

Really, this is the first I’ve heard of Stormin’ Norman’s famous “left hook” flanking maneuver, go on. [It’s also in the video above, what does it say about you that you assume I would even consider posting w/out reading the source materials?] As you can tell from my Battle of Jutland quip above, I am totally ignorant

+99 virgins

You must have missed the part about the first female POW since WWII...

-1 spiderholes

Ok, well, I guess time will tell if we’re able to make up the missing F22s with more F35s or not. I’m sorta thinking not, the F35's troubles are well documented, hence “has a hard enough time being itself”.

I know right? The Cobra taking out the T-50 at the last possible second, the truck drivers taking a left turn at Al-Buquerque*, the fire mission, my position (IMHO the single bravest thing a human being can say), the “oh lord, I lived through the Iraqis, now the Americans are gonna kill me?”, the guys bookin’ it out

Watching the doc, thanks for the link....

One of the Iowas had a gun turret removed in favor of an Armored Box Launcher, sort of like a VLS turret, but that was later removed as well (leaving a big blank spot on the deck).

If it’s also a submarine, you’re thinking of Blue Noah (released in the US as Thundersub).

I don’t see this in the key, is this the symbol for “running around like a chicked with it’s head cut off”?

It doesn’t have to be an everything strike fighter, F-35 is NOT that in US service.

I’m probably being facetious when I say “up-engined” for the F35.

Well, this should be good news for anybody who’s looking forward to air superiority UAVs. If there truly is a palpable “interceptor gap” that needs to be filled in the future, we are probably going to have to turn to a more cost-effective solution than an up-engined F35 or a re-everything’d F22 block II. I simply

Awwwww! So sweet.

No but it will knock out our electric grid, causing cannibalism and 90% of the bang for .05% of the buck.

Maybe you’re missing the point. You don’t need to fry the electronics of a pile of smoking rubble. By the same token, if you’ve fried the electronics, you don’t need to reduce it to smoking rubble anymore.

Uh, no you are? If you weren’t too busy blowing your uncle for meth you could have watched some games today.