Special Circumstances

Absolutely not. Pay extra attention to avoid soaps with mint, menthol or any bottle that says "zing" or "refreshing"

Syrio is still alive!!!!!1111one

jaime is a failure to everyone and thinks his brother killed his kid and his lover was unfaithful. cersei is a subdued shelled of herself after the walk of shame. brienne is in a noose by the hands of her presumed dead friend. sam's shipmate is his forbidden lover. arya is being trained to be a no named assassin.

Bill Murray cares about everyone.

It isn't random at all. It is because he addresses social issues within advertisements for his company and he has come under fire for it.

Ok. Thinking this through, I see an app like that as a weapon against women. I see wasted women having a phone shoved in front of them "touch this button" "Um, OK". I see women who touch buttons on the app to indicate consent, and then when fooling around takes a turn she doesn't like, and she withdraws that consent,

Thank you for bringing light to a issue that is not really recognized in society. Traumatic brain injury and the after effects truly are silent disabilities and those of us who live with them find that after the first few years everyone seems to think you should be operating as a normal brain functioning person. I

I do this with my dog. I put his name and any dog-related words I can think of into songs and sing them to him. I sing along to TV theme music, too, and substitute the words with his name and other dog-related words (wag, tail, woof, etc.), or I'll just make up words if the music is just a word-less tune.

Talking to myself out loud in a British accent. I am not British.

I must be doing something wrong... for the life of me I CANNOT get the headphones to stay on the cat.

I don't understand the concept of roasting someone who hasn't accomplished much in their career yet.

Two things on the matter:

Oh shit ladies, Jesse and Zach figured us out. It's true: all women are psychos and we can ruin your lives. The safest thing to do would be to not mess with women anymore. If you value your lives, Jesse and Zach and Jeremy, don't have sex with women anymore. It's just foolhardy to put yourself in that kind of

Coke should help with that fatigue.

Don't worry it's getting renewed!

"Spider tongue, spider tongue... Makes up for not being well hung..."