Special Circumstances

My DILF. That man is sexy.

Never had the car accident, but I did have to have the brain surgery for a congenital defect when I was 29. Prior to that, I'd been so dizzy I couldn't walk. Afterwards I could walk, but I was stuck in a dark bedroom for two years because any light gave me massive migraines.

This totally needs a screaming MISANDRY! title.

Do all the fanfictioneers a favor and include Cassandra Clare in there too, would ya? We'd really appreciate it.

I was 16 and working at a truck stop in my home town in New Mexico. There was this nice, twenty something driver who always came in, was super polite and always had a compliment for me. He wore boots, a cowboy hat and had one lazy eye, but this didn't detract from his otherwise good looks and charm.

Welcome to the club!

I am probably one of the most pacifist people you'll meet. You know, outside of Gandhi. I'll take my anger out on pillows and then still feel bad about it.

Really? I loved that dude. And while I really adored Pedro in general, I kinda got sick of him constantly just showing up and talking about revenge every. single. scene. With a few gratuitous, but appreciated orgy scenes. I felt he was much more dynamic in the book. And I usually am not a show v book nitpicker.

That was one of the most remarkable things I've seen all week! Song and dance about the hoo hoo!

Nah, Wil B be straight hustlin insulin to poor Diabetes 2 sufferers in back alleys. First ones free, after that you got to pay. He also gets em high on glucose tabs for free before danglin that sweet ins in your face at a premium.

I saw that a lot in the military. Guys just sneaking up behind each other and putting their boners (or semis, whatever) on each other's shoulders.

Oh man, you just made me feel so old!

That's because he's not fluffy huggy Doctor anymore. He's grumpy, cantankerous Doctor. And honestly, I think NuWho is better for it.

Well obviously the answer is to let womenfolk band together and live in those houses together with their kids and leave the men out of it. If they allow that sort of thing. I don't know if they do, but they should.

Okay minus the clown getup I've probably done all of these things at least once. I'm just not striking enough to have had my photo taken to mark said occasions.

And my not favorite #boiltheperfectlyediblevegetablestodeath #alsoknownasmush

My boyfriend of two years is 13 years younger than me. He surprised me with his interest in me and continues to surprise me with his maturity and his level-headedness. It just seems to work for us. We have to be patient with each other on different things. I'm self concicious about my age and sometimes I'm

I was just thinking that this list would be comfortable as the lyrics on an early Beck album.

Starred for the username.

My motherfuckin cat hates me. I love him to pieces, but he is the biggest shit. My boobs get really perky and sore during my period, so during one of those magical times, he's (for once) calmly sitting on my lap, when he suddenly freaks out and bites me right on the freakin nipple. Hard. So of course, I try to pull