Special Circumstances

Dear Football Players of Auburn College (not all of you, but the ones I'm addressing know who you are),

Getting a new doctor isn't exactly a straightforward procedure under many insurance plans/in many geographic locations, and the tradeoff of "a doctor who is sometimes forgetful about following through on promised calls but is otherwise a good fit" for "a doctor who is unknown and may not be any better about phone

That's fair. My first one was a slightly big deal in my family too. Wore 'em down after the next six though. GOTTA JUST KEEP ON.

On behalf of the state of New Mexico and it's most delicious product:
It's CHILE not CHILI, for fuck's sake.

It's not a matter of really "taking her side" rather then wanting to see it go to a group that will actually make a quality product. Red Eagle has on several occasions failed to deliver and at some point rather then sitting on it, we'd like to see it go somewhere where it will actually have a chance to live. Besides

Know what you are ranting about before ranting. That's kind of rule #1 for the internet if you don't want to look dumb.

"He didn't want anyone to finish the books if he died but she went against that for the fans."

There are a lot of subplots in the books that won't likely ever make it to the screen that are fascinating (sometimes for good reason, sometimes just to keep the on-screen story movie).

I've long feared that Jaime is going to die in TWOW and the show will kill him early. His character development is complete. I think his role in the plot is to get Oathkeeper/Ice to Brienne who will get it to the Stark and Tully side to be used in some magical way. I think this because Jaime slept on a weirwood

My money is on Jaime. I don't know why they hate him so much. They also have him being the most (imo) changed from the books. I also think the Greyjoys are also another HVT for the show.

Next year's cover is going to be a woman in stirrups with a speculum in. Just right up in it. If we're having this vagina conversation anyway, we might as well see an actual vagina, damnit.

So everyone, answer me this:

Did HANNAH DAVIS decide which photo ended up on the cover? Did she make that call? Or did she just, you know, show up, do her job, and then someone chose that photo?

Did HANNAH DAVIS think "Yeah, I think I'll pull my bathing suit down a little, that is an idea I am having personally" or was

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

Is it weird that I am more than comfortable with sex at any time, even on a first/only date, but feel dick pics should be reserved for committed relationships? I feel like unsolicited dick pics from someone i'm casually dating come off as way too aggressive.

Oh, so he's the Al Sharpton of white women.

where in the text of any personal essay does a reader ever read I AM A PERFECT PERSON; MY LIFE STORY IS UNEQUIVOCALLY THE RIGHT THING FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO DO

Only if you tag your partner in the social media post. #thoughtsduringsex

I think the author misses the point; it's not really about lying. It's about knowing the difference between when your partner is asking for honesty and when s/he is asking for validation. A wife asking if she looks fat is not looking for the truth or a white lie- she wants to know her husband is still attracted to

~Roland Deschain (Stephen King)