
First, from my observation, over 99% of the hundreds of thousands of people in attendance today at the Capitol were true patriots who came to support this country, our president and election integrity. They were peaceful, law abiding citizens. They were not there to vandalize anything or to cause a disturbance.

Healing the divide is codeword for “we keep going right, so it would be really convenient if you followed us.”

Fuck that noise. The attack on the Capitol was from their side of the aisle. This attack was populated by people that believe Qanon’s lies that all politicians are satanic peadophiles that eat children. Why

Then they’re dumber than they look, act and talk.

If you can’t win, no matter what you do, then you do what you want. If I’m going to get kicked in the balls either why, I might as well get something out of it.

I’m still laughing my ass off at the footage of these traitors being arrested or banned.

Even if we say, for the sake of an argument, that these people are right, that the Government is evil and needs taking out (or whatever the “plan” was). Unless it ended with Trump being named President for Life, you thought you

The main problem is you have all these dingbats resigning, so there’s nothing left but yes men. The 25th ain’t gonna happen.

Yay! The Great American Paint Swatch of Criminality!
Black: Criminal
Brown: Terrorist
White: Lone Wolf/Mental Issues

As I’ve said before, look at all those Lone Wolves. No way this could have been predicted or stopped. Nothing to be done but thoughts and prayers™ until the next one happens.

Remember when Hillary was running for president and assholes were making jokes that they didn’t want a woman with all her ramped up PMS hormones having access to the nuclear launch button? Well joke’s on them, because what we have now is a completely unhinged fucking crybaby with access to the nuclear launch

Second, the Republican House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy send a genuinely mindboggling letter to Biden and the Democratic leadership where he urged them to not pursue to impeachment as it would just divide the nation further and now is the time to heal. Yes, the man who has for six months been shouting about

Nope. Terrorists are brown, criminals are black. White people are just Lone Wolves.

I consider Pick of Destiny to be an unofficial Bill and Ted sequel. If you replace time travel with demonic pick, it’s basically two lovable idiots with an overinflated sense of talent using a maguffin to further their musical ambitions.
If we hadn’t got Bill and Ted 3 this year (and, for it’s flaws, I still dug it), I

I always frame it as this: How many people have to work so “everyone” can have the day off?

This brings home on of my pet peeves; oh no, she said one of the words you cannot say. Will someone please think of all these monocles that keep dropping off my face?

I can think of a million different ways to accurately describe the senior members of the GOP without using the Big 7 words.

Not only not a strong password, but his bloody catchphrases!?

I am slowly beginning to think that this, coupled with the accidental nudity issues, CDPR should just come out and say “we’re just a bunch of frustrated horny people and this game is our outlet for that energy”.

It honestly makes the most sense to me, and I would respect their honesty.

The thing I don’t get about Deadnaming and how it’s some big deal to people is that we call people by names they chose for themselves all the time. Are they getting up in arms about Elton John? Nicolas Cage? Prince? Whatever Puff Daddy is calling himself now?

Hell, are nicknames some massive deception to this morons?


He’s also being “paid” $20,000 a day for his “services”...

Whilst absolutely the wrong thing to do in the long/medium/short term, I’d get some sadistic pleasure if someone where to tell Trump that he’s getting a second term, just to see the look on his face as he has to deal with the shit he’s been setting up to cripple the Biden administration.

Whilst calling the then current President a loser and a fraud and any other of the 5 stock insults he has.

McDonalds sells Turkey?