We know Trump will be #buttofjokes next election cycle.
We know Trump will be #buttofjokes next election cycle.
We never got the game that the WiiU was clearly built for: A D&D style RPG where the DM uses the Gamepad, whilst the Players use Wiimotes on the TV.
Rather than a second screen, the WiiU Gamepad always seemed suited for asymmetric gameplay.
In life, nobody cares what you intended to do, they only care about what you did.
It’s the fact that if your only criteria for President was Christianity (hell, lets be generous and say you’re looking for anyone of faith), Trump would not be your pick.
The Trump Administration: A bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Wait, someone needed to Kickstart a Harry Potter board game? Could it not get funding through traditional means? Could they not get some of JK’s TERF money to make it?
Blame Secretary “I’m Feeling Lucky” Button.
He was useful to them until he wasn’t. Trump is going to find the next few weeks incredibly lonely as all the people “loyal” to him head for the fucking hills.
This is good.
But this means that Trump is still a symptom, not the disease.
For some reason, I think this clip might be relevant in a few months time...
This is it. The beginning of the end.
The end of having to end almost every piece of news thinking “I wonder what Trump is going to think about this?”
Of course, I’m sure he’ll still tweet his insanity (if he’s allowed a phone in prison/gulag/mob grave), but it won’t be relevant anymore.
So, how long before Trump starts to defund the Secret Service?
As I’ve said to someone else, he’s not the Warden at Shawshank, he’s the Head Guard.
This idiot firmly, FIRMLY believed he was going to win simply because he was Donald J Trump. There is nothing he has done that was wrong, everyone else is wrong.
And 49% of the nation needs to see their strongman for who he really, really, really, really is.
Since I’m betting that this song has been playing in a constant loop in his head for the past few days, I’d say that’s extremely likely.
And here I was, thinking that “We must stop the vote!” rather than “We must stop the count!” was the dumbest thing I was going to here a Conservative say this week....
My fellow Republicans, look what we’ve become. It is we who must fix this.
Whilst I would sleep better if Trump loses this election, I’d sleep a lot better if Mitch McConnell and his associates were kicked out of American politics and told to never come back.
Looking at these pictures of the White House filled with orange, lumpy husks, I have to wonder; Which one is Donald?
It’s like Fascist Where’s Wally (Waldo)?
I have a similar feeling when I hear women talk about how women shouldn’t have the right to vote.
“Aww, look at that, the little woman has an opinion! Well, I’m a man, so I overrule you. Now get back in the kitchen and make me a meal whilst I decide if you have a vote or not.”