
I’m gonna rent a billboard that says that THE TERM TOXIC MASCULINITY DOES NOT MEAN MASCULINITY IS TOXIC IT REFERS TO THE TOXIC BEHAVIORS ASSOCIATED WITH MASCULINITY YOU FUCKING TURDS because I’m getting real tired of people not bothering to learn about what that term means before they get mad about it. Google it for

There’s a really jaded part of me that thinks nothing spectacular will happen ie President Big Boy won’t be dragged out of white house in hand cuffs, but also there’s the fact that he acts guilty as fuck all the time.

The argument I used to hear when I worked with the wealthy out-of-touch Republicans at my last job was the wait times! You’ll have to wait so long! Because more people are getting care when they should clearly go without so I can see my doctor earlier.

It’s a totally cool and normal thing for your boss to talk shit about your husband and comment on your marriage on social media.

Also, you can see that Jon definitely grows as a character from Ygritte constantly calling him on his bullshit and challenging his beliefs on power and the “wildlings”. It’s an effective romance that not only serves the story but also causes some character growth.

Same, I’m gonna watch this and eat sorbet and then harass my friends into watching it too.

I watch the YouTubes, there’s some legitimately entertaining or interesting content there, but vast swaths of it is just trash.

In Palm Beach, it’s a city of Lucille Bluth’s on a steady diet of Fox News.

Yes, this is good information to have.

Oh man, I did not expect to want to smash things so early in the morning, I haven’t even finished my coffee yet.

That’s my absolute nightmare.

Ok, a couple of things:

Seriously, wash your hands and use your fingers aka your hand forks.

Nope, this was a regular bar and a regular can of Bud Light.

It’s Miami, $80 for a $20 bottle of wine checks out.

All these rich and famous types seem to settle down in the same areas and their kids probably go to the same schools, I feel like there are more odd-couple seeming friendships like this than people think.


I know a guy in a band that’s like this, they play together mainly for fun but they’re good enough to get paid gigs so they’ll do one here and there for beer money, but it’s not a full on “side-hustle” by any means.

It’s either fake or an alarming level of batshit crazy.