
I care. I can’t articulate why exactly (maybe the fact that he’s marrying an American commoner, which I imagine must be super taboo), and I don’t quite care enough to watch it on TV or anything, but articles about it will definitely get my clicks.

I live in the largest metro area in my state and one of the largest in the county and my choices are...Comcast or AT&T.

I was thinking more like this:

Ok, Justin.

Yeah, typically when you tell someone you don’t want to have sex with them you have a reasonable expectation that sex is off the table until further notice, not that they’ll wait a few minutes and fuck you anyway.

I saw that, yesterday it was the screenshot of that Hitler comment with different comment headings pasted over it to look like impostor accounts were lamenting Hilter’s loss, now it’s some bot copying accounts and spamming comments.

They’re not, check the comment history.

It makes me a little sad to think such an egregious fuck-up got so far in life.

I haven’t ridden a horse since they plopped me on one for pictures when I was six and that video looked awkward as fuck to my untrained eye.

They don’t appear to actually be “hacking” any accounts either, just cutting and pasting the heading from a legit comment over that weird ass Hitler comment and telling people they’ve been hacked.


I’m fully convinced that:

Literally all I know about him is that he wanted to shoot some “female senators” for not voting for the worst healthcare bill they could shit out, and now this mess.

Is Harry supposed to be a prize?

That seemed wierd to me, I’m 31 and somehow I remember all of those things?

Remember when he was dating Paris Hilton and she showed up with a bunch of bruises one day?

Our species also has a terrible habit of thinking pretty people are inherently good. Pretty sure there have been studies done on this, it’s a weird subconscious thing we do.

As a Floridian, I’ll believe it when I see it.

I was 11 when it came out and it was my Twilight, I had a hardcore crush on Leonardo DiCaprio complete with posters in my room.

Parker painted Minaj as a woman who regretted her abortion (Minaj did not say that) who would have been protected by a bill like HR 490 (Minaj is pro-choice).