Sparkle Suds

I looked at his stats and though, “Holy shit...that’s not bad.”

But this is the issue this conversation is going to have (and the issue with the Senate example)—as I said before, House & Senate races are incredibly different. And you have acknowledged that. You basically said that Ocasio-Cortez could win in WV if you changed the demographics of the area that she runs in, which is

This is the exact right way Democrats should be running candidates.

The “most progressive viable candidate” refers to viable in a primary election or a general? Those, in many districts, will be two different standards.

I absolutely agree with you. I am super excited to have her in the House, and candidates like her should be running in more deep blue districts.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is an incredibly welcome sight to me in our current political landscape, and I hope that in districts like NY-14 more individuals like her run for office. I think that would do a great deal at pushing the party further left. But, as you said, it’s certainly not the way to a majority in 2019, and

I mean—I am certainly not against candidates like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez being elected in other places, but your scenario is kind of wrong. Firstly, Senate & House races are different, and the candidates for them should be different. It’s a lot harder to appeal to an entire state than a small portion of that state.

I said this on the other post about her win, but this comment makes me feel the need to repeat it:

I know nothing about soccer or how difficult that is to do, but I can tell it’s nearly impossible to do it that perfectly because even the Nigerian defender slows up a step thinking “there’s no way he can get that to settle in front of him.”

The district is D+29. It’s not a good indication that the Democratic Party should nominate individuals like her across the country. Give me a handful of wins in swing districts, and I will be convinced.

I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for the moment where he tries to trip someone, gets up looking pleased with himself, and gets knocked out.

I don’t speak Spanish, but I assume “regalito” tranlates to “boner”, right?

That anchor trying to hold in his smile at “if you thought a bun and a sausage couldn’t hurt anybody...frankly, think again.”

Ah, yes, Squidworth.

What the fuck is with Ainsley consistently pointing out that it’s a “female intern”. Literally every single time one of them says “intern” she’s there to clarify, “female intern.”

Anyone else think the Croatian guy (Luka Modric) was Steve Nash...?

Just so we’re clear—5 scores over the course of 60 minutes is 25 scores over 300 minutes.

Not saying I think it’s a good idea; not saying I think it’s a bad idea...

Right. There were also some crosses that were cleared and some shots that missed the net.

I realize now that I forgot my conclusion, which was—as you so eloquently noted—more balls are needed.