Sparkle Suds

From my calculation there were almost 300 minutes of soccer played in the World Cup yesterday and only 4 goals were scored.

It’s crazy to me that the people who need those statues up are the same people who dislike second place trophies.

I think it would be worth trying Ojeda down the line. But I wouldn’t be willing to give up that seat to try things. If Manchin loses that seat, I’d love to see him run against one of the Republicans there—I just am not willing to try something and risk losing the seat when I think Manchin, a pretty popular senator in

Omg. This is incredible and true.

I hear they give you a full year off in Philadelphia.

I don’t watch much of the World Cup, but I am looking at the threads on those tweets and everyone is complaining about the announcers. Can someone tell me why people think it was bad?

That fucking pig is just a woman standing in her backyard while her husband holds the camera.

What group is the USA in? :)

Firstly, FC stands for fielder’s choice, so I don’t know what you’re calling it. Secondly, a fielder’s choice can be had if there is no out made. If a runner is on third, a ground ball is hit to the shortstop, and he throws home to try to get the runner, even if that runner is safe, it’s still a fielder’s choice. They

I don’t think that’s a rule. The numbers are just to give a reader an idea of what happened on the play; the outs are marked separately. So a reader would see that and say, “Okay, there was a fielder’s choice where the ball went from 4-5-6-1.” Then they would look at the outs and see that no out was recorded.

Fielder’s Choice 4-5-6-1, probably. Don’t think I’d give an error there.

This sounds like an episode of The Sopranos.

I am bringing this out of the grey so I can laugh at “Draymond is absolutely the glue that holds it all together.”

After all these years, I still don’t think Green is “one of the most crucial players for one of the best teams in NBA history.”

Now playing

The Flying V is not necessarily interference. In the first film, you will note that, yes, it is interference:

I typically pride myself on understanding the ramblings of crazy, right-wing, conspiracy nuts (I have a number of them in my family), but I legitimately could not follow this one.

Right? This is the fucking worst feeling.

My argument is that it wasn’t solely the injury though. Look at his numbers in 2013 before his meniscus injury.

You guys may have been the only ones. Everyone I spoke to in/around the city at the time of the contract was either ecstatic that the BEST POWER HITTER IN BASEBALL was coming back or, while a little wary of the terms of the contract, were ultimately okay with it because they figured he would never be a complete

Howard’s injury (and I think he had another knee related injury the next year) certainly do him any favors, but it’s pretty fair to assume that these kinds of players are going to experience a huge drop off in their play even without the injuries—they also seem to me to be more injury-prone, though I have no idea if