Sparkle Suds

I don’t disagree that, by the rule, this is not a catch.

But he does secure the ball. I know he does because I can watch him reach it out over the goal line in the attempt to score a touchdown. How is that not a football move? He can’t take steps because he is going to the ground, but he can attempt to score a touchdown...which he does. The play should end as soon as the

But why does he need to take a step? The point is that he clearly catches the ball, makes a move towards the endzone, and breaks the plane of the goal line. The play should stop there. You don’t need a certain number of steps for a catch to be a catch.

This is the ruling, I suppose. My problem is that he gets a knee and a hip down while in possession. It is obvious that he is reaching for the goal line (a “football move”). Why HASN’T he established possession? Why is it that a receiver going to the ground can’t establish possession before the ball or his hands hit

This also seems ridiculous because, while still in possession of the ball, he reaches for the goal line. Shouldn’t that be considered a “football move”? Shouldn’t he then become a “runner” in the sense that, as soon as the ball crosses the plane, the play ends?

Hannah, that’s a truly great breakdown at the end of this article. Sassy has no fucking clue what he wants her to do, and he quite obviously has no fucking clue how to ride. I fucking hate him so much more now.

There’s also the possibility that, while she knew full well her amendments and bills won’t be included in any bill/future plans, she also knew that she could change her vote on the bill from the conference committee.


I don’t mean this to be rud (though it will come off as such, it REALLY isn’t meant to be), but it is clear that you have not watched a single SHS briefing. She likes to go with the “one question per individual because we are on a tight schedule” thing. Which is, in and of itself, bullshit since her job is literally

To be fair, this question was asked as a follow-up. She cited the Brian Ross/ABC suspension and said it was “pretty misleading to the American people and [she thinks] that it is very telling that that individual had to be suspended because of that reporting. [She thinks] that shows the network took it seriously and

They have a good enough run game and defense (normally) to win a playoff game or two, probably. The problem is Dougie P is going to make Foles throw forty-five times per game, I bet.

Don’t have Facebook, but would appreciate any pictures to make this post even funnier...

He’s a liability though. It’s wishful thinking that he puts up 18-20 ppg, but even if he does, he will make the team significantly worse when he is on the floor. He’s a net negative player.

How does everyone just laugh this off rather than being like, “You’re a homophobic bigot, and you just demonstrated on camera for the world to see.”

Jack Black should be on the top of the ticket, in my opinion.


This is how I remember his near 400 PAs and three years with the Phillies.

From the report:

I suppose this is what I thought, but I haven’t read or found anything that necessarily states it like this comment. In essence it just estimates that “13 million fewer will be insured”. That, to me, sounds like it includes those individuals that you are describing as well as people who can afford it, but don’t want

Well, no. In this case you would be one of the people who are priced out of the market. My question was whether the 13 million is just people, like you, who are being priced out, or if it is a combination of folks like you and younger individuals who can afford it but do not want it. Those are the ones who are