Sparkle Suds

No. I mean did not. If you think that Miller came out on the bad end of this, then you are on another planet.

Everyone who thinks Miller did not win this response is living on another planet where the Trump administration cares about the what the “average” American voter thinks. Their only goal is to keep their base satisfied and fed, and this exchange is exactly the type of thing that does that. They get to say, “Hey, look

Not going to lie, pretty sure Miller got the better of this exchange. When reporters do this (come across with an agenda in a briefing), the briefer almost always gets the better in the end, if only because they can always get the last word in.

How does it make sense to say, “Hey...these districts were fucked and unconstitutional, but we’ll let the results of those elections stand”?

I am embarrassed for the fan. If I had Christie up in my face like that, I would be giving him hell. He just looks like he took it.

Nothing to see here. This happens a few times every year with Odubel. Mackanin seems to know how to handle it well, too. I think he said something like, “He’s a different kind of guy. Just gotta keep him pointed in the right direction. We’ll have a talk, and he’ll be fine. He just needs a reminder from time to time.”

I have no comment other than, “This is the dumbest shit ever.”

Pretty much what Whitey-Fisk said. Repealing the mandate and taxes alone would bring the insurance market crumbling, most likely, and there is nothing for Republicans to take responsibility for because they would say they didn’t repeal Obamacare, but check it’s failing and it has been failing for years,

This is the GOP saying, “we can’t repeal it, we can’t replace it, and it won’t completely fail on its we’re going to MAKE it fail.”

Live in Baltimore, don’t like the O’s.
That is the most fun part of the baseball season, year in and year out, for me. :)

The second half could get worse if they get rid of Neshak, Nava, Hernandez, etc.!

Hey Dan...still going with the over on 50.5 wins?

Their W% is only .333. Figuring they have to win 22 more games to get to 51, that means they have to have a .293 winning % the rest of the way, right? It’s possible that they trade Hellickson, their only good reliever in Neshak, maybe Cesar Hernandez, Howie Kendrick, and Daniel Nava (not game changers, but arguably

“The little muffled honk” is my favorite. Everyone knows that honk, and if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of it, you don’t take offense to it. You just hit the gas and throw your hand up to say, “My bad.”
It’s the assholes who give you the full blast because I don’t have the reactions of a goddamn drag racer

Gotta figure the Phillies are going to make some trades to an already bad team. Over/Under on 50.5 wins at the end of the year? They’re currently at 29 with 75 games left.

Yeah, it stinks about Fuglsang. And Astana looks pretty sketchy in general. But that is kind of the point that I am making. This year’s race was meant to make it easier for weaker teams with strong leaders to compete and win. Sure, Landa was there at the end of the day, but there wasn’t enough time for him to do

Fair enough.

To be fair, they did control the peloton and exert a dominance in the race...with the exception of the last 300 meters or so. Even then, Landa was within five seconds (honestly surprised he didn’t pull up and wait to drag Froome the last 200 meters). That said, they did seem pretty vulnerable today.

Fuglsang being there at the end has to make Astana feel good, right? Aru looks strong, and with a good/strong teammate like Fuglsang, he could definitely win. Particularly watching the guys that Froome has left (specifically Mikel Landa) not be able to hang onto the front group and Thomas abandoning.

Green jersey points, money, bonuses for yourself and team—not to mention that winning a Grand Tour stage, particularly the Tour de France, is a big deal.