
People will like the change or they won’t. I probably won’t but many will

The Last Jedi is NOT a good movie. It has good ideas, but the characterizations are BAD, and the plot has no purpose. There are beautiful visuals - the best jedi fight and Holdo taking out the cruiser - beautiful. But the story is just bad - the last tank of gas, Finn traveling away from Poe just to make them gay, Poe

Who the heck wants a Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy anyway? The man COMPLETELY ruined Luke Skywalker and made a mockery of the original Star Wars movies with the abomination of a movie that was “The Last Jedi”. Keep him FAR away from Star Wars in the future please.

This seem to be a similar pattern to what happened with Captain Marvel.

Sorry.  All drama aside, it’s just not good writing.  People still love the OG stories because they were compelling and featured memorable characters.  I bored myself out of High Republic in the opening issues of the comic, long before all the racial furor started.  If they really want to set the hook in a new era,

People on this site terrify me. Some sound like real sanctimonious shits anyways (myself included). I would hate to run into them in real life. We talk about inclusivity, but really we want everyone to fit the new ‘norm’ or be cancelled. Oh wait, that’s me since io9 is determined to censor my!

Sure, he might be the worst Chris (though the idea of pitting them all against each other is pretty ridiculous to begin with), but people on this site act like he’s super problematic. The way people here talk about him isn’t that different than say Mel Gibson. It’s ridiculous. Sure he’s religious, and probably

Wow, it really intrigues me how you go through a day and find any pleasure whatsoever. Think about it.... you got paid to play and write about a video game. Most can only hope to be so lucky.

Now playing

This all reminds me of people who hear satanic messages when records were played backwards. They projected onto the noise what they wanted to hear.

Here’s the problem. Superhero universes need good cops and need good authority figures. Abolishing the cops is a bad idea not just in real life but ESPECIALLY in a universe where we have things like Hydra. Or alien invasions. Or the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Superheroes can’t solve every single crime on their own,

I hate to break it to you, but outside of the echo chamber of i09 and the swamp that is twitter, the general public don’t care and will happily continue to enjoy Harry Potter for years to come. The vast majority probably agree with Rowling anyway.

So is Warner Bros. going to ask Amber Heard to resign from the next Aquaman? 

Boycott all Amber Heard films

Favorable for libel? Have you fucking SEEN British legacy media? It’s like Gizmodo all day, every day - which is to say, garbage.

How has she damaged her brand? She literally only spoke biological science. Did you know Trans women don’t have periods?! Because they were men and don’t produce eggs or get pregnant?! OH GOD THE HORROR, HOW DARE I SPEAK SCIENCE.

Yep. Honestly even the fact that the STD apologists/fans think this is what Trek should be is depressing. They refuse to absorb the philosophy and intent of Trek and think that completely subverting it makes good television. If you transplanted OST philosophy into a The Expanse sequel, that takes place a hundred years

That show is like the Disney trilogy, it takes a giant dump on everything that came before and makes it all pointless.

As usual, here are my thoughts based on the io9 review, though I haven’t seen the episode yet. I should watch it in the next couple days, but take these thoughts as at least somewhat tentative, though thus far I’ve found the description in the review to be accurate enough that my thoughts haven’t changed a ton after

Couldn’t agree more.  Discovery is a flaming pile of hot garbage.  I was pleasantly surprised by Lower Decks however.

Reading this recap makes me so glad I stopped watching the show. Because it basically spits on the very concept of Star Trek.
Hear me out...