
Did no one teach you how to use capital letters?

Good riddance!

Bond dies at the finale.

Also, still no China release..... Chinese social media has already eviscerated the film. So it ain’t gonna get the Worldwide Box Office of previous MCU films.

Critical Race Theory: The Series

The same mindset which changes Boba's Slave 1 will want to remove Blazing Saddles from viewing.

Your argument does not hold up. All past LEGO iterations of Slave 1 were called Slave 1. So why suddenly change it now? 

Save SLAVE 1! Disney can fuck off. First it was Slave Leia, now it’s Slave 1 they want to cancel.

John Cena the Coward.

Rob, you were once fun... Toplessrobot was great.... I miss the politically incorrect Toplessrobot Rob Bricken.

Remember when comic book movies were fun, instead of political and social engineering experiments?

So this article suggests they are race-swapping Clark Kent instead of portraying Calvin Ellis. WB/DC has so little confidence in an original black character.....

Walker did nothing wrong.

Karli was just the worst. Just a terrible person. I had no sympathy for any of the Flag Smashers. They deserved everything they got. 

My kids were bored t0 tears.... I wanted to like it but the heavy handedness and messy story just killed it for me.

You must be fun at parties.... or are they too confrontational for you?

Par-for-the-course, for this dying website. Make a controversy out of thin air.... for clicks.

Yo ho ho ho..... a pirate's life for me....

Censorship.... deleting the past.... how can anyone be ok with this? Guess you will be burning books next...

Helen Mirren was a great surprise guest on Midnight’s Edge Youtube stream a few days ago. Worth a watch.