
This site is stupid and brings nothing but misinformation to the public, you also slander a man who is guilty of having opinions he may or may not have since he did NOT share them. I think this is something people like you like to call « problematic. This site is a dumpster fire filled with self-righteous privileged

you are all psychopaths

Pratt is a class enemy, comrade. He refuses to purify himself and he must be destroyed.

“Either way, who the fuck cares?”

“the guy was literally living in a van at one point”

I’ve had people freak out on me for not liking Ghostbusters ‘16 or the 13th Doctor. No, I have no issue whatsoever with a woman lead. I do, however, have problems with women in shitty movies, the same way I have issues with men in shitty movies. I would have hated both of those examples if you flipped the genders and

I could be a sexist but you have no way of knowing based on what I have written here - a strange statement!

No. Because men are not as often sexually assaulted as women. Just as women are not as often mortally wounded as men. However media is saturated with representations of men being brutalised and scarcely ever shows it happening to women.


Bias is a real thing. This film was never going to get a good review here. They have an irrational hatred for Jared Leto. What’s worse is they have decided to tell you to dislike it without even reviewing it! As for Ghostbusters, if you like it - you liked it, but you cannot deny that the consensus pretty much

If you’re referring to Ghostbusters, the movie isn’t going to make back the money of production and marketing costs. So yeah, it unfortunately seems to be a flop. Which sucks because I thoroughly enjoyed it (teared up at times for nostalgic reasons) and would have liked a sequel.

Just so all the Jezzers are clear - Ghostbusters is good because women and Suicide is Squad is bad because Jared Leto (man). Got it? Great!

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.