
It has a name. Slave 1. Solved. 

Where would the SJWs of Gizmodo be without baiting the fandom menace? What other reason does it have to exist?

On her characteristic?  I have zero issue with women.  I enjoy and consume plenty of women lead media.  But, honestly, if you ask 100 people who is a better hero, Luke Skywalker or Rey, how do you think they’re going to answer?  Rey is a bad character not because she is a woman but because she is poorly written in a

Never said they didn’t but there are just as many people out there who hate men. Or hate blacks. Or hate Jews. Etc. Etc.

Not in the way you’re insinuating. Somebody is going to complain about everything but the idea that there is a gigantic evil misogynist cabal of internet trolls who jump on every single female protagonist is nowhere near as true as people seem to think.  More people complain about people complaining than actually

People didn’t complain about Trinity or Sarah Conner or Ripley or Olivia Benson or Furiosa or Cersei or Xena or Eleven or Jessica Jones or Clarice or Kill Bill’s The Bride or Dana Scully or Buffy or Princess Leia or Hermione though! Why? Because they’re interesting CHARACTERS. Like I said, when it’s ‘smack you in the

You “believe” in wallpaper? The same way people “believe” in Jesus?

The story was just predictable, and consisted of little more than a series of unnecessary big set pieces punctuated by a few halfway interesting expository sequences that would have been boring without Florence and Scarlett giving it their all. Seriously, the best parts of the movie were Florence being a brat,

All I can say is, I hope it’s less of a disappointment than Black Widow. I won’t say Black Widow is bad, but I really thought the writing was sub-par. Poor in the same way that Captain Marvel’s writing was.

Who cares, nothing will change as a result of this article

He’s right about his WOTC Criticism. It’s called pandering. It’s not sincere and you’re a fucking fool if you think it is. Just because some fan wants a company to make a political statement doesn’t mean it has to. He’s also not wrong that there’s a lot of hate coming on both sides that is conveniently forgotten.

Ahhh yes, because we’re all little snowflakes now and we can’t even be remotely reminded that bad things once happened in history.

So I should probably grab some Episode I Blu-rays now before Shmi and Anakin become Watto’s “employees”?

Let me start by saying I agree with your premise: representation in media is important.

Hold on… your issue here is that she doesn’t have the *correct* leg disability?

I’m torn on this.

The fact that the creative team behind this absolute sloppy hot mess of a show is writing the movie drains me of any desire at all to watch it.


Yeah! Don’t make movies in Georgia because they seek to suppress people’s rights to participate in democracy, make movies in China instead.

I’d be down for an Asian-American as the Atom, but this blatant CCP ass-kissing is getting tiresome.