
This site is stupid and brings nothing but misinformation to the public, you also slander a man who is guilty of having opinions he may or may not have since he did NOT share them. I think this is something people like you like to call « problematic. This site is a dumpster fire filled with self-righteous privileged

you are all psychopaths

Pratt is a class enemy, comrade. He refuses to purify himself and he must be destroyed.

“Either way, who the fuck cares?”

“the guy was literally living in a van at one point”

It certainly reminded me that it’s a pile of steaming crap and you’d be far better served watching re-runs and streams of proper Star Trek (Original, Next Gen, DS9...hell, even Voyager and Enterprise).

A lot of this just sounds dumb.

More horrible trash! Fire

I am happy there is a plan at least, even if the plan continues to conflict with continuity and reason, in the Star Trek universe as it was meant to (or tried to) be...

This is honestly the worst news about Star Trek that I could have possible imagined. This is worse than just cancelling everything, because then you could maybe start with a clean slate, but this just locks us in for years of mediocrity and Michael Bay-style space battles.

More Alex Kurtzman star trek?... ugh...

Ugh. So that means Star Trek will suck for the next 7 years. Maybe this is a good opportunity to dive into Star Wars fandom??

How do people like Alex Kurtzman, JJ Abrams and Lindelof still get work? They’re all terrible at story writing. Nothing they do makes sense and it’s all cheap magic boxes without understanding the subject.

Yeah, if Greg Berlanti was the producer, they’d be contractually obligated to give every episode a B+ score or better.

io9's “fantastic” writers are too busy trying to piss of star wars fans for clicks. they cant be bothered to actually write content. 

more “layered” and “realistic”

Looks like their little pedo movie has caused them a big money loss. so now they are cutting things.

Can’t encourage kids to stand up against totalitarian regimes now can we?

I suppose a show depicting a morally bankrupt ruling class blithely ignoring an ecological disaster brought by their own hands was considered too unrealistic for the audience after all. 

Disappointing.  It was one of the few shows I watched twice, all the way through. There was just so much going on both visually and story-wise.