
I can’t post my opinion because you guys will just delete it to keep this on one single track like you always do.

I honestly don’t think she did anything wrong. No meme or joke intended.

Better idea: Let us never speak of The Rise of Skywalker ever again.

No explanation necessary. Just that image is all you need to know about how stupid this show is. I won’t even begin to tell you about the Force-like galactic fungus that let’s the ship use instant teleportation.

So melodramatic and over-acted, why is everyone always yelling, fast-talking and talking over each other in this series? 

one battered and shattered by a strange cataclysm called “The Burn”

If you hate Star Trek, this is the show for you.

Looking like Tilly gave up the marathons and ate everything !

Well, no international distribution with Netflix and Amazon staying away speaks volumes, rumors be damned.

WB Exec #1: “Okay, our Flash movie is in development hell. We’ve burned through a dozen directors. The lead is choke-slamming teenagers in Iceland. Fan excitement is waning. We have to come up with a way to get people really excited for a Flash movie. What do we do?”

Well, Gizmodo celebrating a impoverished minority artist caring for his dying family member being ripped off by a mega corporation for profit. How progressive of you.

His only hope: a doctor who’s ready to do whatever it takes to save her patient.”

So, after you lead with this:

This show is boring. 

Some fun tidbits but it pains me to realize that I have absolutely no interest in ever watching this movie again. Literally the worst Star Wars movie.

1. That this movie is still arguably the worst Star Wars movie ever made.

“Within 30 seconds” of someone mentioning the idea of the Emperor coming back, everyone knew it was the right idea.

Remember when the Rise of Skywalker dumpster fire was big news. I never thought I’d say this I miss that...