
If only she had the class, charm, sincerity, gentleness, nobility and humility of Christopher Reeve's Superman.

So it's Superman Returns ?

It's a good movie.

Palpatine has been hiding in the Unknown Regions since ROTJ and building his fleet of Star Destroyers with mini Death Star lasers incorporated. Rey is his Granddaughter. Kylo didn’t lie, her parents were nothing, but her Granpa sure wasn’t. It all ends with a space battle and Rey confronting Palpatine during the

Palpatine has been hiding in the Unknown Regions since ROTJ and building his fleet of Star Destroyers with mini Death Star lasers incorporated. Rey is his Granddaughter. Kylo didn’t lie, her parents were nothing, but her Granpa sure wasn’t. It all ends with a space battle and Rey confronting Palpatine during the

Your not missing much by not watching Discovery...

Netflix wouldn’t pay for it.

Not sure how this looks any different than any other Terminator sequel... It’s a reboot with Dani Ramos as the new John Connor. Nothing about this looks particularly original or inspired.

The twist is the humans are the villains!

He’s another T-800... sent back before Sarah and John destroyed Cyberdyne and rewrote the future.

Looks like some Gelflings are fighting for the Skeksis?

the most realistic depiction of space travel that’s been put in a movie”

Get over yourself... you bring up The Last Jedi more than anyone...

Kurtzman is just the worst...

Hayden’s back as well....

Please be good, please be good, please be good!!!! Actually this better be feckin’ amazing:)

I still think the laziest plot twist in TFA was the destruction of the New Republic. Done simply because JJ and Disney wanted to return to the OT dynamic of Rebels vs Empire. The lack of imagination and expansion of the mythology in the sequels has been the most disappointing aspect of these films. They look fabulous,

Twitter.... it will lead to the downfall of humanity....

Now playing

RLM’s re:View is one of the best critiques of ‘Starship Troopers’...

‘Where No Woman Has Gone Before’..... apart from Captain Janeway...