
It will be the only Star Wars movie I don’t see on opening day. I have no enthusiasm for the sequel films at all. I will see it eventually... more from obligation and morbid curiosity. I am however excited and intrigued by ‘The Mandalorian’.

At least with ‘The Orville’ we have some actual Star Trek on TV...

They really are desperate...

I am far more excited for ‘The Mandalorian’ than whatever Episode IX ends up being!

I must admit I am still in two minds over this latest season. The casting is great, but the storytelling has been all over the place. There just seems to be something missing which I can’t really explain. I hope Jodie stays on after 2020.

Are we still considering the DC films to be part of a Cinematic Universe? Because really they appear to be only very loosely connected.

No that never happened.... it must have been a nightmare....

Now playing

More importantly, Mr Plinkett has posted his TLJ review.....

Oh well... Star Wars will have to do, until that good franchise comes calling...

Don’t you want to see Martha Wayne’s pearl necklace break for the 100th time?

Jacob Rees-Mogg = Alt-right...

If she is on IPPV in ITU she may be receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia. Again it is very difficult to ascertain a prognosis from media comments at the moment. As an Intensive Care Doctor I have seen people recover from seemingly devastating cardiac events - but unfortunately that is rare.

Cannot.... unsee....

Looks like Unicron is coming....

Depp is truly the most uninspired casting decision. WB announcing this is going to be a 5 part series of films before the first is even released just smells of desperation for a new franchise. I have prequel nightmares...

That is a sweet-lookin’ Firehouse :)

What I don’t buy is ‘Logan’ being set only a few years after DOFP’s new ‘happy’ future.

Double ‘huh’ ???

SoulRevolver do a pretty nice Wolverine leather jacket. Got one myself and its wicked cool :)