
One name: Cable

How much do you bet X-23 ends up transported to the time period of the next X-Men film (1990s). Maybe with Cable?

Also in that sequence.... an Alliance fleet! Nebulon B frigates, and perhaps a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser

Between this “film”, Brexit, the destruction of the UK, and the rise of the grotesque Trump and his deplorables, I reckon we have entered the End of Days....

Looks like fun! At least there is no sign of Clara or River Song!

Plus the Murderverse Flash costume is just terrible.

Looks like fun! And thankfully no Clara and no River Song!!

You picked the wrong audience for that comment...

I now want Boba Fett to appear on ‘Gotham’. Why the hell not???

No competition....

I really hope not. Killing Luke in Episode VIII would be very predictable. I’m still hoping for a Luke vs Snoke, Rey vs Ben finale in Episode IX.

We can’t have enough new shots of Martha Waynes’ String Pearl necklace breaking in slow motion...

It definitely hasn’t made back its budget. It currently stands at $180m. Takeaway approx 50% for the theatre cut domestically and abroad. It is making a loss right now. It won’t be released in China. Like it or loathe it, the film needs to make in the region of $400m to break even (and that is being generous). Read up

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Nah. My childhood is comfortably intact. How could Melissa McCarthy ruin my childhood? Does she have a time machine? Why is she interested in me in particular????

No. What it demonstrates is that this Summer has been one of the worst on record for Hollywood ‘films’. It also demonstrates that Hollywood budgets have gone completely out-of-control.

Ghostbusters2016 was a mediocre ‘Pixels’ sequel at the very best. A terrible waste of talent and people’s time. The joke is that GB2016 will actually make less money than GB2 - even without inflation. I agree that Suicide Squad is trash - but at least it isn’t anothet damn reboot!

Don’t get me wrong - the DC ‘murderverse’ is a complete disaster - it is fascinating, like watching a slow motion train derailment. But GB2016 was so hyped up by both the ‘bros’ and the ‘SJWs’ - it is just laughable how that mediocre corporate product raised everyones heckles.

‘Suicide Squad Sets Box Office Record Because We Don’t Deserve Better Movies’

This will probably be the trailer that was shown at SWCE. It was more than a small ‘sort-of’ teaser.