
When you said Sony, I thought you meant GB2016 - which is most definitely not the hit Sony want it to be.

Now I wonder what level of waste and noxious chemicals did the Alliance leave on Hoth.

Ghostbusters2016 well written....!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!! If puerile humour and disgusting jokes are your thing.

The fact that The Telegraph gave it a negative review makes me even more keen to see it :). Of course, they could not help throw a comparison to GB16. Ridiculous!

Nice. Good manners there my dear sir.

The thing is I didn’t think it was a bad movie in itself. It was just ok. Forgettable. It really was not worth all the ridiculous hyperbole from both sides over the last year.

No comments on Sony’s GB2016 poor B.O. performance! Sony is looking at a a big loss - at the very best they may break even. With Suicide Squad out this week it is pretty much dead in the water. Sony’s box office curse continues!

Well that is your opinion... I will respect it despite the fact it is clearly very, very wrong :)


The big twist..... it was all a dream....

Is anyone surprised at this turn of events?

Kraglin (Sean Gunn) is listed between Gef and Wretch. Taserface is the guy on the middle.

The ILMxLab stuff is great - tried it at SWCEurope! Awesome experience!

Christ Disney.... Don’t let Goyer get his hooks into Star Wars! One of the worst screenwriters in Hollywood. I suppose it could have been worse.... it could be Orci and Kurtzman writing this!

I am so psyched for the addition of Thrawn into continuity! The excitement at the Rebels panel at SWCE was beyond anything over the 3 days!

And it’s here... the best thing to come out of this debacle... the Redlettermedia review of ‘Ghostbusters-in-name-only’. Mike, Jay and Rich knock it out of the park.

Yeah, Miller had a appointment with to get his son into a local school in the UK. It was a really fun moment with Lord ribbing Miller mercilessly for not going to the interview in costume!

This was the spin-off I was really sceptical of, but seeing these guys live on the Celebration stage has wiped away that scepticism. Maybe it was just being there with 4,000 other super excited fans but Lord, Miller and Ehrenreich just radiated enthusiasm for the material and seem like genuinely nice, likeable guys :)

We really must have seen two completely different movies. It wasn’t a trainwreck but it was a pretty awful comedy. Just loud and lowbrow humour throughout. Terrible cinematography and visuals - just CGI splatter everywhere. The worst crime was a lousy third act. It’s not even so bad it’s good, it’s just... meh. A real