
GB2016 is just as guilty of this as well. It clearly tries to set things up for a sequel often at the expense of the film. Especially at the end...

You misunderstood. I wasn’t using Pixels as a positive frame of reference. Far from it. Pixels and Adam Sandler belong in the deepest dungeon of hell. But the tone of GB2016 is similar to Pixels.

Yes. I have seen it. It’s meh... even fine, perhaps. Just as hollow as the majority of big budget films nowadays. Nothing special. Very forgettable. Such a shame.

Don’t joke... That could easily happen.

Kill me now....

I agree. ‘Pixels’ is terrible. GB2016 is very similar in tone, with similar broad-based humour. Don’t get me wrong, GB2016 is better than ‘Pixels’ - Adam Sandler and co are missing so thats an automatic improvement.

Is a ‘Ghostbusters’ Cinematic Universe really necessary? I must be getting old. Even worse if it’s set in the new Universe. Can we go back to the GB-prime universe please?

It’s an awesome scene. Unfortunately, the reboot has nothing to match it. They really should have a more visionary director.

The conspiracy theories surrounding this film’s reception are just mind-bogglingly stupid. The problem, as with Brexit, is that there are a minority of very vocal nutters on both sides with the quieter rational types caught in the middle. In the end it is just a harmless piece of entertainment - no need for such a

My god! Edgar Wright would have been amazing as director! The lack of style and interesting visuals really detracts from this film. The cinematography is very poor. It really needed a director with style. Instead we get the usual CGI mess.

The cinematography in this film drove me mad. Probably the worst I have seen in a while. Just terrible. The original had an epic quality with lovely shots of NY. Take the scene when the containment unit ruptures and Zuul/Dana awakens to watch the NY skyline erupt with spiritual energy, backed by Mick Smiley’s ‘Magic’

It’s not a disaster. It’s just an average modern comedy in the vein of ‘Pixels’. It’s nothing special and unfortunately rather forgettable. The main cast are generally good but the humour is sadly very broad. A missed opportunity.

It’s a perfectly mediocre Hollywood Blockbuster. It’s fine. Mildly diverting and amusing at times, tiresome and groan-inducing in other parts, loud and visually messy. So standard Hollywood fare. It’s absolutely harmless, unoriginal and ultimately forgettable. It doesn’t sully the original in any way. It is definitely

Overall it is not much better than ‘Pixels’. But ‘Pixels’ got absolutely slammed on release (and rightly so) and this gets a pass because....???

I am not sure I saw the same movie. It’s definitely not a trainwreck and quite funny in parts but at times it is just boring. The cast is generally good but everything feels a little forced. The third act is just a mess, loud, nonsensical and just a landscape of CGI. Very typical of a modern blockbuster.

Yep, there is obviously a special place reserved in hell for men like me - I think it will be very crowded down there...

Yeah it felt like a swift kick to the nads!

I know, I know... I am a very bad man! Clearly, I need rehabilitation. I must be shown the error of my ways. Can you help?

So I saw ‘GB2016' last night (for free I should add - I was never going to pay to watch it but free tickets appeared for my department) - and it’s underwhelming to say the least. Not dreadful, funny in parts but strangely boring at times. Very flat cinematography. Not at all scary - no equivalent scene to Dana’s

However, there is a review embargo until the film is released internationally on Mon 11th July. That usually suggests a less than positive reception overall.