
A small caveat, great scripts do not always translate to great films. Saying that there is great talent behind this venture. I am just not sure I can personally move beyond seeing Harrison Ford as Han Solo. No matter how good the new guy is, it is a hell of an obstacle to overcome. To quote Mr Snipes - ‘Some

Actually, Kiev Schreiber would make an excellent Lex Luther.

What is becoming very clear with a breakdown of the voting demographics is that the majority of Remain voters were younger, well-educated, progressive, tolerant and in professional employment. Whereas the majority of Leave voters were older, uneducated, unemployed, and living in areas of high immigration. Most Leave

Except it won't be the UK for very much longer...

Very little England...

There is nothing ‘Great’ about Britain anymore... It is very clear England is a land of right-wing, bigoted plonkers who are convinced of their... ahem... ‘superiority’. The one good thing to come out of Brexit is that we get another chance to leave the UK after being blatantly lied to last time.

Say goodbye to the UK. Scotland is leaving really soon. Hope you English twats have fun with a decade of recession!

Don’t worry. We (Scotland) will be leaving in a few years and then you can have your glorious England all to yourselves.

And since we were lied to at the first referendum, there is a good chance we will vote out on the second chance. And then watch from afar as the remainder of the ‘UK’ devolves into a bigoted, fascist state.

The UK is doomed. The lying Brexit wankers have just ignited the fuse for its destruction. Hope you enjoy recession and poverty. Of course, no matter what happens Johnson and Fucktard Gove will be fine - it will be the working class they conned into voting for Brexit that will ultimately suffer.

There is a very good chance we (Scotland) will leave the Union now with the Brexit result and the vote will be within 2 years of initiating article 50. Here's hoping Nicola can win the day! Goodbye UK :)

Ghostbusters 2016 has the spectacle of the original, but it forgot the soul.

Promise.... ;)

This better be in the Prime Universe...

Is Kong also going to have atomic breath? Because you know, that might be useful....

Someone posted a brief summary of their thoughts after an embargoed screening of GB2016 on CHUD.

Someone posted a brief summary of their thoughts after an embargoed screening of GB2016.

I still say TPTB should have let Brandon Routh be Superman again. What a wonderful in-joke that would have been. Plus he is hands-down the best living actor to portray Superman. No-one will ever come close to Christopher Reeve, but Routh sure came close.

‘Hell Bent’ sounds awesome! Here’s hoping it can deliver some twisted, surreal action hell-style!

So when are the comic artists going to start morphing Harrison Ford’s visage into Alden Ehrenreich?