
Ben Kingsley was born Krishna Bhanji. His father was of Gujarati Indian descent.

That Stay-Puft looks absolutely horrendous... How can the effects of a 32 year-old film still look better? In fact the Real Ghostbusters version looks better.

On the contrary, it’s the shameless ripping off of imagery, dialogue and scenes from the original that makes it terrible. Try something new and original!

More shameless promoting of this film....

Nice catch!

Still the best ‘Transformers’ movie ever made - in fact I think it’s the only ‘Transformers’ movie ever made....

I thought that Jude Law was up for a Zod cameo in ‘Superman Returns’? I am sure I have read that numerous times before.

This is exactly why the new Ghostbusters movie will be a success. The epitome of a mindless, soulless blockbuster!

No, of course I have not seen it. But the whole point of a trailer is to sell a film to its audience and get people excited for the film. The trailers have simply not done that for me or my family and with the cost of cinema tickets nowadays I am only going to pick to see the films I want to see at the cinema.

It will never tarnish or spoil my enjoyment and memories of the original. TPM didn’t tarnish my Star Wars childhood memories.... it was just a huge disappointment because it had the potential to be so much better. Remakes/reboots of cherished films can never tarnish childhood memories - that is ridiculous hyperbole!

If that’s the new version of the classic ‘Ghostbusters’ theme.... god it sounds terrible! If you are going to retread everything else from the original film then you might as well use the original Ray Parker Jr. theme. What a horrible cover version! Who the hell is singing this one????

Welling was definitely a better Clark Kent/Superman than Cavill will ever be. Dean Cain was pretty good too!

Genuinely wish all involved well with this project.... but I have absolutely zero interest in seeing it at the cinema. And this is coming from a huge fan of the original film. I own an original movie prop ghost-trap and have seen the original so many times I have lost count. I have finally reached my limit regarding

Latest news!!! CGI John Wayne added to cast...

I saw X-Men: Apocalypse at the weekend and to be honest I really enjoyed it. Not the best in the series - that title is still shared by X2 and DOFP - but still really entertaining. I agree the smaller scale stories tend to be better but I remember many people complaining that X2 was too small-scale, so Singer can’t

He sure hates the government!

You can already stream Star Wars on Sky’s NowTV service - including TCW and Rebels episodes.

Unrelated question... but what happened to the 'Supernatural' episode recaps this year?

Also rather rubbish.

Yet more proof that the reddit script leak is accurate.... and it sounded dreadful. The Gozer reference at the end of the script leading to the inevitable sequel really sums up how awful this will be.