
What else has she been in? I have never seen her before.

The ‘Maniac’ remake with Elijah Wood was actually pretty good.

The Sith are dead. That has been confirmed many times. Snoke and Kylo are Dark Side users but not Sith. The Sith are history.

Are Predators that honourable? They kill by stealth, using superior weapons. I think Klingons might have an issue with that.

It makes 4chan and reddit the excrement of the internet!

Klingon Bat’leth. Obviously not a good day to die for some poor Klingon.

Nuclear man agrees!!!

He is a decent actor, at least he was good in ‘Hail Caesar!’. However, I suspect the role may be a poisoned chalice for whomever was cast. How can anyone really equal Harrison Ford’s performance as Han Solo? Harrison = Han - it is as simple as that. Even the best actor will compare poorly to Ford. This endeavour just

And Cap’s greatest superpower.... pretending to be carsick and stealing cars!!

I’m well aware of the comics re-con regarding the twins parentage. But as far as the X-Men Movie Universe, Pietro/Peter is Magneto’s son.

I reckon Quicksilver will be critical in swaying Magneto from Apocalypse’s side. The trailers make it clear that Erik has lost his family and that is what motivates him to join with Apocalypse. Finding out he has a son on Xavier’s team will likely change his mind. I also have a theory how McAvoy goes bald in this

We really need a capital ship battle in the next film. I would assume the remains of the New Republic starfleet would join up with the Resistance. The First Order had a smaller but more technologically advanced fleet in TFA. Now that Hosnian Prime and most of the New Republic starfleet has been obliterated, the First

I reckon it could be ‘Home One’, the Mon Cal Flagship from RotJ. Additional media for TFA stated the old capital ship had been given to the Resistance.

He also played Julius Caesar in Xena.


A real set! Much more interesting than this....

Not too long to go :) Definitely worth the wait!

Just back from 2nd viewing of ‘Civil War’ and I can honestly say it is the best Superhero-based film I have seen yet. Marvel continues to go from strength to strength while DC/WB.... oh dear. CA3 unfortunately makes BvS seem even worse in retrospect, and it was already pretty dire.

Agreed. ‘Ghostbusters-in-name-only’ looks atrocious. ‘STINO’ looks like more of the same nonsense.

I thought this was common knowledge? Mikkelsen’s connection to Jyn was reported weeks ago on most sites.