
Rob’s FAQ and the Redlettermedia ‘Half in the Bag’ are the only good things to come out of this travesty of a film!

The best thing to come out of BvS..... a hilarious ‘Half in the Bag’ with Rich, Mike and Jay.

Exactly. And your whole argument is opinion, not fact. End of line....

There is nothing ‘adult’ about the current DC movies. They are terribly simplistic, utilising film school 101 religious iconography. Dreary, colourless, depressing and boring does not make them ‘adult’. Unfortunately, BvS is just a bad movie. ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ is an ‘adult’ film - fantastic actors, astounding

Holy fuck!!!!

Poor Ben...

Lol!!! Quick copyright your idea!

If they scale up Kong to Godzilla’s size then he would be visible from space! Kong does not have the luxury of being able to hide in the underwater abyss.

Already infinitely better than anything in BvS! Hey Warners... Superheroes, even Batman can be fun!!!

That would be great! A tender romance between Supergirl and Maxima could be very well done. Something similar to Korra and Asami. We don’t need anything titillating. Maybe a rivalry that becomes something more.

So in ‘Supergirl’ is Maxima trying to mate with Supergirl? Awesome twist!

Still cannot see how King Kong could possibly stand a chance against the movie Godzilla. Godzilla is fecking ginormous compared to King Kong! Plus he has nuclear breath!!!

Never stop being awesome Chris! :)

So the question is, which future supervillains do they shoehorn into S3? Has Ra’s al Ghul been in this yet? I forget. What Joker-like villains will they slot in to misdirect the audience? Mad-Hatter? Maxie Zeus? Ventriloquist? Great White Shark? Catman? King Tut?

Wait.... The writer of ‘Wonder Woman’ is also responsible for ‘Pan’!!!!! Oh dear....

I hope a cameo in ‘Rogue One’ is simply a rumour. It makes no sense for a new, younger Han Solo to appear as ‘Rogue One’ is likely only set within a year prior to ANH.

So it’s ok to hate on BvS but any hate towards Ghostbusters is automatically labelled sexist, misogynist, etc???

You do realise that almost all of Trump’s admirers outside of the US are right-wing political extremists. People like Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the French National Front. The condemnation of Trump in Europe is almost universal.

“I think Islam hates us, there’s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it.” - Donald Trump

I get that... but Trump just makes a mockery of the whole process of democracy and decency... he goes against everything that the USA was once long ago supposed to represent :(