
Yep... not good :( The lowest point is the nod at the end to Zuul... sequel bait at it’s worst....

I just do not get it.... how can anyone seriously support Trump??? What is his appeal??? He comes across as a vile, crude racist and is a well known bully. He inherited his fortune, has been bailed out by his father in the past and his business acumen is debatable.

Now Sony and the Ghostbuster marketeers.... that is how you do a trailer!!! Phenomenal!!!

That is simply not true. A bad looking film is a bad looking film - no matter who it stars. It’s very easy to play the sexist card but actually listen to the complaints and you will realise most of them are legitimate.

Read the reddit leak and you will quickly realise that hoping for the best ain’t gonna work out. It just sounds utterly horrible - I mean Orci, Kurtzman-level of awful.

Read the reddit plot breakdown and you will realise how godawful this film actually is.

Read the reddit plot breakdown which looks very accurate following these trailers. It sounds absolutely terrible. Filled with crude, slapstick humour and pathetic callbacks to a far superior film. As well as the worst possible lead-in to a sequel I have ever heard. Really it is a ‘Into Darkness’ level of terrible.

Yep. Apparently McKinnon’s character makes the ‘hilarious’ farting from ‘the front passage’ joke... so add vagina jokes to your list. Pathetic.

If you read the reddit plot breakdown you will understand how unfunny and crude this film is going to be.

In the words of Father Jack...

Don’t worry the Ghostbusters posts are coming... so... many..... of them!!!!

Completely fair comment. Here’s hoping we at least get regular Daredevil episode reviews.

You may like the new GB trailer... but it is scoring a phenomenal number of dislikes for a trailer on Youtube.

I hear Paul Feig is interested.

Not this again... So just because I have no enthusiasm for this film I am automatically a misogynist. Grow up, mate. For the record, if the same talented cast and crew was working on an original comedy premise I would be much more interested and intrigued.

Think I’ll wait until Netflix. Why should I have any interest in a weak copy of a perfect film which has been around for 30 years? Nothing that has been shown so far about this film gives me any reason to be interested in it. If they had at least tried to create something new instead of recycling all the old

And yet Superman II is still the better, and more entertaining film. Go figure!

Jesus! So now Slimer is in the reboot too! Is there anything actually original in this movie?? Apparently Stay-Puft is in it too from a NYTF spoiler. All the cameos are only going to remind people how much better the original is.

Also notice that the Earth in this clip is flat??? Ra’s spaceship is dragging the Sun with a giant chain???? Holy shit!!! This film is insane!!!