
The same way Doctor Who got to use a flying aircraft carrier...

Not necessarily. Just set it several generations beyond the TNG era. Hopefully they won’t continue that horrible parody of Star Trek that is Star Trek ‘09.

Please be set in the original timeline! Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please

I have absolutely no interest in this film, as it appears to be a bland remake of the classic original. Feig’s usage of all the iconography from the original (proton packs, ECTO-1, jumpsuits, etc) just illustrates how unoriginal it is in scope.

No interest in the film as it looks like a bland remake of the original. But this is a nice set with some good pieces. The figures will sell well on Bricklink!

I cannot wait for the ‘Half in the Bag’ episode reviewing this film. This looks like the kind of film which requires several stiff drinks beforehand. Oddly enough I remember seeing ‘Dark City’ with some mates after a few drinks and having an awesome time. Of course, ‘Dark City’ was a fantastic movie and seriously

Why not scratch the Boba Fett spin-off and give us a Sabine Anthology movie! Set it a number of years after the finale of Rebels with an older, hardened, bitter and battle-scarred Sabine. It will never happen of course, but one can dream!

Episodes like this give me hope that the proposed Boba Fett spin-off movie could actually be quite good. Although there is evidence that it has been pushed off the current roster of films.

Jesus!!! Superman on that Empire cover looks almost satanic, like he is about to jump out the page and tear my head off! Such a classic depiction of the original boy-scout....

So according to Toby Froud, the Froud family have no involvement in this project. Brian Froud created the aesthetic for the world of Labyrinth, so his lack of involvement spells doom.

I blame the wine!

Yep, Johnny Depp in a funny hat.... because Hollywood is sooooooo original.

I hope so.

Justin Bieber stars as the Goblin King!!!!!

Please Hollywood.... just don’t.....

Great article as always Charlie Jane! I think it highlights the problem with modern Trek.

So even China could not save this garbage!

What a great way to celebrate 50 years of Star Trek.....

Or worse... Zach Snyder!!!!