
Girls mature faster than boys!

Building my own version of Peter’s wonderful AT-AT at the moment. It is a fantastic design!

And I hoped they were going to get Eddie Redmayne to do his ‘Jupiter Ascending’ voice for Batman in post-production!

You are far from not the only one not looking forward to the Ghostbusters reboot.

To be fair many big names appear in BBC series. In the Winter/Spring line-up we have Tom Hiddleston, Gillian Anderson, Paul Dano, Hugh Laurie, Brian Cox, Toby Jones, to name only a few.

Original ideas... terribly executed, with flat characters and dull, inane scripts. TFA is a vast improvement on anything in the prequels and very entertaining.

Nothing could possibly be more underwhelming than the prequels. 3 films that are really quite unwatchable.

The Soundtrack was awesome... the film... not so much ;)

I waited 32 years for a new Star Wars film... and I was not disappointed!!! :)

Exactly. The prequels had bizarre character development. There was no heart in that trilogy. Nobody (apart from Palpatine) acted like a real, relatable person. It was almost the complete inverse of the Original Trilogy where the main character’s were likable. Try to sum up the prequel character’s defining

Windu a great character?!?! Really? Windu was barely a character and hardly memorable. He was basically Samuel Jackson in cosplay. Now I love Sam but the prequels were hardly his best work. Whereas Lando and Finn actually felt like real, likable people.

The most obvious thing Rian Johnson would do in Episode VIII is kill off Luke. I actually think this is too obvious to actually happen. I hope Episode IX ends with a Luke vs Snoke and Rey vs Kylo showdown.

Considering the shredded psyche of Kylo Ren, I wonder if Han will appear as not a force ghost but a figment of his imagination / flashback / vision. The only thing about VII that slightly disappointed me was not seeing the big three together again.

The IMDB list is wrong.

The IMDB is unsurprisingly wrong. Maisie Richardson-Sellers was confirmed months ago and is listed in the end credits as Korr Sella. That is definitely her in that scene of Hosnian Prime’s destruction.

The Alan Dean Foster novelisation strongly suggests that Rey is Luke’s daughter and not Han and Leia’s.

That was Maisie Richardson-Sellars. She played an envoy to the New Republic sent by Leia for reinforcements named Kor Sella. Her part was significantly reduced in editing.

Seen it 3 times now - midnight showing on Wednesday, plus twice since then. I’ve waited 32 years for a new Star Wars film and finally it’s here!!! :) Loved every minute of it. I cannot wait to see what Rian Johnson has in store for us in Episode VIII.

A leaked pic from a Civil War Lego set suggests a current hero will appear in another form in this movie...

Just back from the midnight showing.... and happy to report that Charlie Jane is right on the money with this one!!!