
What exactly did I just watch?? Words fail me... Any hope that Star Trek might recapture the old magic just vanished.

One thing that really bugs me about this sequel is that it looks like humanity have just rebuilt their destroyed cities exactly as they were before the first attack. In one shot you can see Capitol Hill and the Pentagon - just before they are destroyed again!!! The viral website even says that we just rebuilt

I assume the release is on July 24th because July 4th + 20(years) = July 24th. At least that makes sense in Hollywood logic ;)

If I remember rightly the virus simply brought down the shields. The ships were destroyed by targeting the aliens primary city-destroying weapon which rebounded into the superstructure of the ship and likely vaporised the aliens within. Although I am sure many aliens would have survived.

Don’t feed the troll...

Is Gargamel the villain in this one?

I don’t think this is Apocalypse. Looks like a woman’s sillouette. Maybe Jean?

I really hope from next year that Doctor Who scales back its finales. Lets drop the grand schemes, Universe-shattering plots, Dalek attacks and give us a small personal story. A regeneration story or companion death in the vein of ‘The Caves of Androzani’ would be nice. I remember years ago, RTD toyed with the idea of

The Timelords escaped the pocket universe and are now back in ‘our’ universe. So yes, they have returned ‘quietly’.

You are not alone. I thought ‘Face the Raven’ was a far better send-off for Clara. Really it was the worst finale since 2005.

I liked Clara but hated that ending.

I think what really annoyed me in this episode was the way death was treated. You have the Doctor, so unwilling to take up arms against enemies in the past, shooting a seemingly decent, rational man who was on his side. Yes, the General regenerated (apparently not a big deal anymore!) but the Doctor basically shot an

Yes, we witnessed her death but now she is effectively alive again (although apparently time-locked). Therefore she doesn’t really suffer the consequences of her previous noble sacrifice. And, yes I know she is forced to make the Doctor forget her - although he apparently still remembers her in-a-way. So basically the

A little consistency would be nice. But hey it’s Moffat - consistency and continuity ain’t in his vocabulary!

Presumably the Daleks can still threaten all of time, space and reality - so maybe they will have to intervene! Don’t forget the Daleks instigated the Time War. But hey, the Daleks are a pushover now.

Also I want to know why when previously the lone cabin was in a desert by itself we now have it within visual range of the Citadel itself.

I wonder how different this series would have been if Coleman had decided to leave in ‘Last Christmas’.

As the planet was literally burning in ‘The End of Time’ and ‘Day of the Doctor’ - that was a helluva rebuilding.

I would not be entirely surprised if Jenna Coleman did ask Moffat to leave a door open for her return. It was a very odd ending really for Clara - effectively dead but... not. She can effectively travel for millions, if not billions of years, as long as she returns to Gallifrey eventually.

The ramifications of Gallifrey returning were indeed brushed over, despite the fact that in ‘Time of the Doctor’ it was explicitly stated that the return of the Timelords would instigate another Time War. I suppose they were hiding at the far reaches of time near the heat-death of the Universe, but still a little more