
I am not entirely sure what to think of this episode. I suppose I genuinely enjoyed watching it, but like a lot of Moffat episodes it really does not hang together.

That dialogue just needs a slight tweak for it to mean something completely different...

All the best Annalee! You will be missed here. Looking forward to reading your future works!

I’m well aware of Karn being a lost colony of Gallifrey and the history of the Sisterhood with the Time Lords. But how did they get there when Gallifrey was lost to a pocket Universe? How did Ohila know how to get there, when the Doctor could not last series?

Spoilers beware...

Are you Lawrence Miles?

The Doctor said ‘the hybrid is me’ or did he say ‘the hybrid is Me’... otherwise known as Ashildr.

I always loved that Babylon 5 used different openings and themes for each season (or each chapter).

Interdictors have existed in the old canon for a long time, so its great to see the vessel firmly established in new canon.

Let’s ask Mr Plinkett...

So has Kevin Bacon been dropped from EE’s advert campaign?

Probably. But we will never see Kilgrave interact with his abandoned children, which would have been amazing!

Killing off Kilgrave actually made me a bit angry. It did not ruin the show for me but left me disappointed. Why not put him into a coma? Probably the best villain in the MCU and he’s gone...

Again, maybe in the USA. But I promise you in other parts of the World that is simply not true.

Only in the good old US of A my friend.

Absoluely loved ‘Jessica Jones’. My only issue with Season 1 is the fate of Kilgrave, which disappointed me.


I have a good feeling about ‘Jessica Jones’ :) It’s funny how things often work for the best - Netflix is definitely a much more suitable home for the content of ‘Alias’.

Switch ‘Memento’ in this article for ‘Ghostbusters’....

Well they didn’t have one last time...