
Why so?


In the original ‘Legends’ chronology, the B-Wing was developed as part of Project Shantipole by Commander Ackbar and the Verpine (Insectoid aliens) of Slayn and Korpil. It has always been my favourite OT starfighter. Check out my flickr account :)

Who is this Luia character? New Sith Lord?

Have you watched Hawaii Five-O? It makes CSI look like goddamn Shakespeare! Most cop shows try to seem like they’re following real-life rules but will break them when the story wants it. Hawaii 5-0 does not bother to try.

Seeing as the reboots have already done away with the need for starships, not to mention beaten death, they’ve kinda painted themselves into a corner, plot-wise.

With Kurtzman involved and a likely nu-Trek setting... I’m out.

Don’t worry you are not the only one....

Notice Nien Nunb in the distance just to the left of Finn.


My hope is Luke has trained a handful of Jedi in secret while in seclusion and these fellow Jedi will play some part in the following episodes. As much as I would love to see a familiar green lightsaber ignite in TFA, I doubt this will happen.

Interesting... I had not realised that.

Actually, looking at it again for the 10th time :) - I think you are right! Interesting how they are not carrying lightsabers (apart from Kylo) but pikes or staffs.

Now that looks like a Star Wars film!

Looks like it. Basically the First Order built a big gun out of a planet.

Looks like Stormtroopers - possibly Flame- or Snow-troopers - on closer inspection.

As long as Disney does not try to bring those damn Midichlorians into the wider world of Star Wars.

I thought Surtur was supposed to be the big-bad of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’.

Loving the white lightsaber blades :) My main SWTOR Jedi Shadow uses white blades too!

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More importantly Marvel released a special version of AoU today...