
Did anyone else find it odd that virtually every other type of Dalek was milling around New Skaro except for the New Paradigm?

Kudos to you Mr Moranis. Hopefully we will see you in a quality production in the near future!

How much do you want to bet that the Doctor is in the cryo-unit? ;)

I have a horrible feeling ‘The Force Awakens’ will bring back classic characters like Admiral Ackbar, Nien Nunb, etc, only to kill them off in a climactic space battle. Just to show the First Order means business!

There are only two ‘Alien’ films.... there are only two ‘Alien’ films.... there are only two ‘Alien’ films....

1980’s Helen Slater!! Hooray!! I had a helluva crush on Helen Slater growing up. ‘Supergirl’ has always been one of my favourite ‘bad’ movies. ‘The Legend of Billie Jean’ was another favourite! The costume still stands up today. I wish DC would keep the bright colours for the Movie and TV Universe.

Poor Henry.... Anyone still under the illusion this is a sequel to ‘Man of Steel’?

Canon-wise the Doctor is now over 2,000 years old - although I think he is definitely older when you take into account the 7th and 8th Doctor’s tenure and the unaccounted for time as the War Doctor. But as you say there are not many outside his own species who could be age appropriate!

As played by Keanu Reeves!

So far this venture has shown a worrying lack of creativity. A huge reliance on nostalgia with essentially the same props (proton packs, ECTO-1, etc) with superficial tweaks, and the cast and crew screaming ‘Girl Power!’ at every available opportunity. Show us something new, something creative to justify making this

Holy shit! Definitely a great choice for a younger Han Solo. As long as the kid can act!


I hope your daughter really does enjoy the film. And hey if it shows her that girls can do exactly the same things as boys then at least something positive will come of this endeavour :)

Hey, no worries! Conversations and discussions on io9 are 99.9% civilized. I am always willing to retract a comment if it is clearly wrong. You sir, are a Gentleman (unlike many others on the internet). See you later :)

Sorry, I did not reply straight away but my bleep went off and I had to deal with an overzealous junior. Fair enough point. I must admit I’ve not seen that sexist, misogynist reaction in the UK media and if that is truly the case in the US then that is terrible. I retract my comment of ‘most people’ - but still stand

So I assume you think everyone who shows any negativity or indifference to this reboot is automatically a misogynist. So in effect this film is now critic-proof.

Good to see sarcasm alive and kicking on the internet! Go watch it, you may enjoy it. But nothing I have seen so far has given me a reason to see it. And my original post was about the tendency of some to accuse others of hating the film because of an all-female cast, which is not the case for most people.

Just making the point that some people’s opinion of this reboot has nothing to do with the make-up of the cast. It’s really a general rant about reboots. It’s the internet remember...

;) Glad I could help you out!

In what way am I lying?