
It’s not about artistic integrity... it never was. There is little artistry in a reboot, just cold, hard accountancy.

Exactly! Most people’s indifference and resistance to this film has nothing at all to do with an all-female cast. It’s the lack of creativity and originality that annoys me. Sony is simply using the IP to make money, and of course they have a right to do so, but to say this film needed to be made as if it was a

I don’t care a toss about an all-female ‘Ghostbusters’ - the demographics of the group are irrelevant. All-male, all-female, Asian, African, South Asian.... that was never an issue to me. What is an issue is the reason this film even exists. It certainly does not come from a place of creativity since they are

Actually, I thought Fox were trying to sign McAvoy and Fassbender for further X-Men films therefore continuing the current continuity with new young Cyclops, Jean, Storm and Nightcrawler.

He is pretty good in ‘Shattered Glass’.

I am waiting for the episode told from the perspective of the animals... as they hunt a Minnesotan Dentist.

Don’t care about the gender change. Do care about how unoriginal and boring this whole venture is. Same logo, props, location... yawn.

Until today, I had never heard of Amy Schumer. Is there a reason I should?

I’m sorry, I just can’t work up any excitement for this. Despite being a huge Ghostbusters fan and owning a lot of memorabilia. Nothing about this seems original or worthwhile. I am so sick of reboots... and I am absolutely dreading the Gremlins reboot.

Dalek City?

One of the worst aspects of the film for me was giving a face/avatar to Skynet. Matt Smith is great but this decision was so very wrong. Skynet was far scarier and unsettling as an ‘alien’ artificial intelligence with no identity. ‘Star Trek’ made the same mistake with the introduction of the Borg Queen. ‘Salvation’

You can find it on Youtube if you really want to....

I still fail to see the point of this reboot. All of the costumes and props revealed so far are simply retreads of the original designs. Why not try something original and different? As I feared, Feig is using fond memories of the original (and best) film to draw in an audience. He is following the trend of virtually

Hell yes! :)

An aging T-800 was never a problem... now the rest of the movie.... that’s another story.

Well at least nature has a solution for the great sparrow onslaught...

I’m calling it now... the aliens in the first film were a slave race army, and in the sequel we will meet the big, bad boss aliens!

To be fair, nothing is going to recapture the brutality, simplicity and perfection of ‘The Terminator’. We unfortunately don’t live in that world anymore (although ‘Fury Road’ gives me hope of a renaissance!). I would agree it feels similar to 3 and 4 - but no way near the tone of 1 (the best!) or 2.

Hey I would love to be proven wrong. A great ‘Terminator’ movie (Hard-R hopefully) would be fantastic news! But Jai ‘Charisma-vacuum’ Courtney fills me with dread and nothing in the trailers so far has sold it as a potentially great addition to the franchise.

I am still not positive about this film despite JC’s praise. Being ‘respectful’ of the first 2 films just appears to be repeating various lines of dialogue in slightly new situations and repeating the same action beats. I just cannot buy into Jai Courtney as Reese and Emilia Clarke as Sarah. Ahnuld is Ahnuld - just