
Sad news. At a young age (54) and with the right therapy he should hopefully make a good recovery. Unfortunately, this is another yet another indictment of the US medical care system. I know the NHS is far from perfect (I work within it!) but it is still a far better system than what is present in the US. Anyway,

There was a time when I would never miss an episode of 'The Rockford Files'. I remember growing up with Rockford, 'Quincy M.E.', 'Columbo' and 'Petrocelli' in the good ole' days of the 1970s.

Now we can only hope the 'Ghostbusters' reboot gets shelved too!!

Maybe it is because I watched the original 'House of cards' when it was first broadcasted in the 80's - but I find it to be superior to the US version. That's not to say that there is plenty to like about the new version, but the original is just plain better.

One huge advantage for the Imperial Starfleet... the Dark Side of the Force. Through sheer will the Sith could use battle meditation to demoralise the opposition and turn the tide of battle against the Federation. Palpatine could conjure up a force storm to wipe out an entire fleet. The Sith can cloud the minds of

If you think Into Darkness will be remembered in 30+ years you are fooling yourself. TWOK is one of the great movies of all time - if it wasn't then why did JJ's crew try desperately to imitate it so poorly? And if by 'fun' you mean funny-hilarious then I agree :) A complete joke of a movie :)

Into Darkness has absolutely dreadful performances and plenty of overacting. Plus a completely rubbish plot written by some of the worst writers to plague modern cinema. All I remember is laughing hysterically throughout a good portion of the film at how awful it was.

Blasphemy!!! I cannot remember how many times I have watched TWOK - in fact I just watched it today! It still stands up as not just the best Trek film but also a great film in general. So many great moments - far more exciting then so many films today.

Great article! I agree wholeheartedly that they have earned the right to reintroduce SPECTRE. What interests me is how they will close the QUANTUM storyline. Is QUANTUM a subsidiary of SPECTRE? Is SPECTRE a even more evil rival of QUANTUM? Maybe Blofeld starts as a lowly henchman who seizes power and twists QUANTUM

Clearly the Moon 'wobbles' because it is about to hatch...

I hear that Pennywise will be an angry blogger known as 'the Clown' in this version and he trolls the kids on their favourite forums.

Well despite all the controversy regarding Edgar Wright leaving, I am still pretty hyped that we are getting an Ant-Man movie. Fingers crossed!

This chap in the suit looks is Jason Clarke. Previous behind the scenes shots have shown him in the same suit confronting Sarah and Kyle.

Looks a bit like Matt Smith...

Of all the strange creative decisions George Lucas has made over the years, that one was truly the most bizarre. Extra rocks to that shot adds exactly what to the story? Had that shot kept George up at night since 1977? Most of George's horrible additions to the OT have a twisted logic to them but this shot??? That

There are rumours circulating that the cinema trailer contains shots of Luke, Han, and Leia. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

I like it! New X-Wings - notice the pilot has the Rebel Alliance insignia on his helmet and flight jacket. Great to see the Falcon back in action! TIEs!!! I don't think the cloaked chap with the new style saber is Luke but I could be wrong.

What I really want to see is an animated show set during the OT - maybe between ANH and TESB. I would love to see the original characters in a Rebels-style show. Hell, I'm sure Mark Hamil would voice Luke.

Count me in! Looking good so far:)

Man of Steel bashing, how original!