
My hope is Wolverine becomes a Horseman likely 'Death'. A villainous Wolverine would be the best way to go with that character as we have already seen him introduced to the X-Men in the first film and been through the whole un-locking of his mind plot.

Santa Claus.... as a fictional character (sorry kids!) fits better with the Land of Fiction pocket universe.

I'm guessing... Master of the Land of Fiction?

'Well I doubt the Avengers Quicksilver will be as annoying or ugly as the X-Men one was.'

Can we all just agree that the 'Terminator' franchise is doomed? This sounds like the biggest cluster**** ever put to film. So they cancelled TSCC for this monstrosity?!? TSCC actually furthered the story in interesting, unexpected directions while 'GENISYS' (still can not get over that name!) is shitting all over

Oh mighty Gozer, in your divine wisdom do not let this travesty be unleashed upon the World. Please Hollywood, just let this die.

Exactly. Just look at the Shatner fiasco yesterday! My god that was hilarious!

Seriously though, why do you think it will be the last season?

Just plain wrong!

'lampoon the British as their evil imperial overlords' - I think you mean the English.

Personally I thought it was great. A well constructed tale with great acting from all participants. A little break from Murray Gold's bombastic scores really benefits Capaldi's softer spoken moments.

Another quick thought. If Luke has no children the the 'Skywalker' name stops with him (Yes I know Leia is also a Skywalker but her name is likely Organa or Solo in the film). The name Skywalker is synonymous with Star Wars - having it end with him is probably unlikely.

That's the rumour....

I still think most of these Episode VII rumours are bogus. Too many are similar to EU comic book stories including unpublished stories.

Actually only the War Doctor, 9, and 10 won't remember the details of 'Day of the Doctor'. 11 and therefore 12 remember the new events clearly.

All the plot rumours so far for Episode VII look likely to be based on Dark Horse Comics Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2. It looks like someone got their facts mixed up.

David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia.

Updated pic on AICN...

Best movie of the year! I've already seen it 4 times - 2x 2D, 1x 3D, 1x IMAX 3D. Mark my words, TMNT will drop rapidly next weekend.

It makes more sense to be Vader's hand from ROTJ. But wasn't that already in the now defunct EU - 'The Glove of Darth Vader'.