
I'm an Anaesthetist. A lot of people think we just put patients to sleep and then let the surgeons do all the work while we read the newspaper and drink coffee. But the reality is a lot more complex as we have to tailor each anaesthetic to each patient / operation, monitor and normalise the physiology of each patient,

Just started rewatching Highlander: The Series on Netflix, and yes it is incredibly dated! But god do I love it! Brings back good memories of the early '90s. I miss B-level series like that.

Notice just in front of the Cyberman - a busted up classic Cyberman head!

Now if the set had been completely CGI this would never have happened!! Damn JJ and his demands for physical sets!! This would never have happened in the good ole days of complete green screen and CGI ;)

Not all of those B-shows were light. Does anybody remember the 'War of the Worlds' show? Limited budget, very dark at times. The good guys lose in most episodes, whole familes are absorbed by the aliens. The less said about the second series the better.

Dan Ackroyd gotta diet!!

Ernie Hudson gotta eat!

It is not so much that GB3 could detract from the original - it is more that Hollywood is so bereft of original ideas that they can only reboot, reimagine or produce shoddy sequels to classic films.

That looks like Nebula handing Ronan his weapon.

That looks like Nebula handing Ronan his weapon.

The greatest Trek movie ever.... an almost perfect film.

Look at 0:40 - Hurt's Doctor is in silhouette in front of Ten - notice the bandolier!

Lest we forget, we are dealing with a Star Trek Universe in which the ship has transparent water pipes (for God knows what reason) the size of humans and through which a fully grown human can go through and come out unharmed at the other end.

It's a spaceship! The number of atmospheric pressures it can withstand are between zero and one.