
There was also a $150 dollar option just for admission.

I’m sorry you feel this way.

They are over-compensating. They know deep down that hockey is just WWE for moosefuckers.

Hey I’ve supported the ‘hawks thru thick and thin since Dec 2012 (12/12 could I be a bigger fan?). I have 2 tiny flags fluttering from my truck and I go the mall wearing my fan 12 shirt when the games are on. So why all the hate? If you dont tone it down I’m gonna get Russell Sherman to go beast mode on yo ass.

These texts are neither racy nor sexy. Lame.

Word on the street is he has a job lined up with Trump. Secretary of IT/cyber defense or something

I don’t know what’s worse. The disgusting sexist comments or the display of domestic violence. If this is what she does in a very public place imagine the horrifying violent abuse she dishes out behind closed doors.

The one with the kitten or the laptop? Bizarre! You would date the one with the biggest tits! Am I right? Or am I right bro?

Good giffing.

I’m going to change my name to “3-1 lead”. Im going to get blown so much more.

Fred Meyer do similar to that. You place your order online, drive to the store park in the designated area and call them and a minion comes out and puts your groceries into your car.

Dude, don’t you want to fuck an alien? Imagine a smoking hot chick with four titties and a tail AND she can’t get pregnant AND she won’t marry you then divorce you and steal all your shit.

I hope he does exactly the same thing tomorrow so every boring cunt in the world can make the same boring cunt groundhog day joke. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🎃

Where were these guys last season or the seasons before that? Ive been drinking in bars at 8am for fucking years and now they are full of these fucking gloryhunting bastards. Hey bro, take your brewskis and fuck off!

I said face no consequences so you can’t reply. YOUR A STUPID MORAN LEARN TO READ BEFORE YOU MESS WITH THE BIG DOGS.

If you were a Jew then you would know when the Jews were going to be dragged into this as you guys have this stuff all preplanned centuries in advance. DONT LIE!

Twitter has enhanced political debate immeasurably. Now I can tell strangers who disagree with me that they are FUCKING MORONS and are WRONG and face no consequences for my actions. Which is ace. PS your comment is SHIT.

Some of these requests are genuine though. I am a tank driver for the u.s. air force navy seals. I am on a top secret mission so can’t talk about it. I imagine your eyes are so beautiful yet intelligent while you read this. I hate to bother you but could you be so kind to email me a target gift card? How I long to

He also suggested that the two quarterbacks 69 each other and who comes first loses. Not in a gay way though cos it’s football.

Yeah but she’s attractive and you can almost see her butt when they lift her up. For me, and most of the other middle-aged losers who read this, this is news.